The president of the PSG: "The signing of Neymar advances well"
Published:31/07/2017 - 19:26h
Updated:1/08/2017 - 00:30h
The maximum leader of Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser To the-Khelaifi, would not have been able to hide to the directive of the Parisian group the illusion that feels by the signing of Neymar Jr, and would have ensured to his gathered that everything "advances well, have confidence"
Increasing optimism the one who breathes in the breast of Paris Saint-Germain in relation to the possible -or likely- arrived of Neymar Jr to the Parisian club in the next hours, when it confirm officially which will finish being his future and if finally it accesses to abandon the FC Barcelona.
The illusion would be so big in the PSG, and in especially in Nasser To the-Khelaifi, the visible face of the directive, that would have expressed to his more gathered the total "confidence" that has in that all finish resolving in favour of the interests of the PSG.
"The signing of Neymar advances well, have confidence", is what would have said To the-Khelaifi to the directors of Paris Saint-Germain, showing them like this his hopes that Neymar finish dressing the colours of the French team.
The information in question has been desvelada in the last hours by 'Yahoo Sports France', that would know at first hand the optimism of the sheik of the PSG. Precisely To the Khelaifi is the one who is carrying personally the negotiations with the surroundings of Neymar Jr, and the one who has information at first hand of how finds the operation, increasingly near to close .
The football is full of surprises
Anybody expected at the beginning of the summer that the 'serial' of the present market of signings had to see with the exit of one of the big stars of the FC Barcelona, Neymar Jr, the one who did hardly some months renewed with the Barcelona entity of face to the four next seasons.
But the life is full of surprises, as it is used to to say, and also the football. This yes, anybody guarantees that the PSG can win the Champions the next campaign with Neymar in the team, neither that the Barcelona go to see notably prejudiced without the Brazilian. Time to the time.