Aleix Vidal, during the defeat of the FC Barcelona against the Alavés


The reason of the ostracism of Aleix Vidal in the Barcelona

Published:19/09/2016 - 15:21h

Updated:19/09/2016 - 15:31h

The Catalan press has desvelado the reason by which Luis Enrique would have crossed to Aleix Vidal in the FC Barcelona, in a situation of ostracism that could carry to the tarraconense to finish doing the cases of the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Aleix Vidal is not having hardly leadership during this start of season 2016-17 in the FC Barcelona, and the reason could have it desvelado in the last hours the newspaper "MD". And it is that, when seeming, the technical body of Luis Enrique would not be at all satisfied with the energy and performance of the player in the trainings, when considering that it can give much more.

The tarraconense chains two consecutive parties without being summoned, and fears that the situation can aggravate in the case that it lengthen the decision of Luis Enrique of not having his services.

In such a case, the most likely is that the one of Puigpelat left yielded or traspasado during the market of winter or to the term of the present season, as long as it guarantee the arrival of a relief of guarantees.

It has spoken in diverse means of Héctor Bellerín, although the true is that the one of Calella would cost a big economic investment and, besides, could cause that Sergi Roberto lost the titularity in the right side. They exist therefore other alternatives in the diary of Robert Fernández, whereas regarding Aleix Vidal teams like Inter of Milan and Naples would carry months expressing his interest in the signing.

The Catalan player trusted to trace back his situation this season, but for the moment the things are so slope up that seems complicated that, from now on, suddenly Luis Enrique have he and have of minutes of game. The subject does not have good paints.