The sincere confession of Sergi Samper on his 'failure' in the FC Barcelona
Sergi Samper, excanterano blaugrana, sincere in an interview for 'Sport' where reviews the Barcelona actuality, his new adventure in the Andorra of Gerard Hammered and his go through the Vissel Kobe of Andrés Iniesta
Sergi Samper, excanterano blaugrana, sincere in an interview for 'Sport' where reviews the Barcelona actuality, his new adventure in the Andorra of Gerard Hammered and his go through the Vissel Kobe of Andrés Iniesta. Connoisseur of the Farm (was 18 years linked to the club) the exjugador of the Vissel Kobe values positively the work that is carrying cape his excompañero of team, Bojan Krkíc, in the follow-up of the training of players. "I know it very well and it goes it to do spectacular", said the exfutbolista of the Barcelona, that shared changing room with the new coordinator of the area of football and of the sportive commission of the club.
The one of Barcelona ensured, besides, that had liked him in his period of player have a figure resembled the one of Bojan. "It had liked me can have this figure that gave you councils, because it is truth that comes you all very of hit. You are very young, debut with the first team and well, is easy to make a mistake of way sometimes", aimed the player fichado this year by the Andorra.
Sergi Samper and his opinion on this new generation of young talents that is bursting into in Can Barça
Sergi Samper debuted with the Barcelona team in an official party with the 26 in the back and so only 19 years of age. It was in a meeting of Champions in front of the Apoel. The Catalan midfield player has wanted to command a message to these new young talents that are despuntando in the first team. "That they do not lose this desparpajo, because when they begin the doubts, the criticisms, that they continue on its way, that the Barça moves a lot of things and go to happen moments ofeverything ".
The mediocampista Spanish, that burst into in the first team to an early age, has wanted also show his admiration did these players, that in spite of his youth, show a personality that do them be leading in a team like the Barça where the requirement is maximum. "They are very young, are playing with a lot of personality and show it day after day. Really I admire them a lot", it declared Samper when they asked after him the irruption of players like Lamine Yamal, that with so only 16 years, already has won a gap in the first staff.