This is what Matheus Pereira can deliver to Barça B
Published:28/01/2020 - 09:07h
Updated:28/01/2020 - 09:07h
A few days ago the arrival of Matheus Pereira to Barça B was announced. This is what the brazilian midfielder can deliver to a team that is fighting for promotion
The market of signings of winter has left some surprises in the FC Barcelona, and one of them is the arrival of Matheus Pereira. It does weeks that the Catalans negotiated a barter with the Juventus between two promises of his respective quarries, and finally the Sunday confirmed . The Brazilian landed in the City Condal and Alejandro Marquis put course to Turín to start with a new adventure in the Series To.
The carioca has parked a cession to the Dijon for enrolarse in the Barça B, put of full in the fight by the promotion. After his victory in front of the Ejea, precisely the day in that the youngster was presented in the installations barcelonistas, the pupilos of Francisco Javier García Pepper are third in the Group III of Second Division B, to six points of the leader and thinking already in consolidating his candidature to the category of silver.
As it advanced Fabio Paratici, the qualities of the recently arrived could be more useful to the Barcelona that to the 'bianconeri', that preferred to deliver to a left-handed midfield player, with vision, of game, technical and one against one -and a quality in the finish to take into account- in return of a leading pure centre, with physical power and envergadura and a style that could adapt better to the requirements of the Italian football.
Between the virtues that the one of River could contribute is the versatility, that turns him into an interesting bet for his new trainer. Like sucede with another canterano illustrate, Álex Hill, the already ex footballer of the 'vecchia signora' can act like interior with arrival in the 4-3-3 or also advance his position and explode his talent like extreme, since his characteristic allow him fit without too many problems.
After a campaign in which it showed to the first team of the Juve, Matheus was developing in Tie it 1, in which it accumulated, before his recent mudanza, 10 parties with the Dijon. In the Stade Gaston Gérard knew a competitiveness that now could help him to adapt and add his granite of sand, since it completed 466 minutes in a group whose main aim is to ensure the permanence.
The Barça B wants to return to Second Division
In spite of having a very young staff, the Barça B follows dreaming with the promotion to Second Division, a wish that keeps the changing room and that the sportive managers observe with optimism. Of face to mature to the perlas of the filial, would be very positive to be in a competition with more requirement, that would facilitate the jump that some already are giving to the first team. Day to day, the aim approaches.