Denis Suárez, during a party of the FC Barcelona this season

To Denis him atragantó the Granada

To Denis Suárez is missing him shooting to reach an excellent level

Published:30/10/2016 - 12:37h

Updated:30/10/2016 - 12:38h

The midfield player of the FC Barcelona Denis Suárez was of less to more in the crash in front of the Granada Cf. Before being substituted by André Gomes left sample of his quality but him atragantó a so defensive team like the Andalusian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the main problems during the first 45 minutes of the party between the FC Barcelona and the Granada was the almost invalid connection between the half and the attack. With Ivan Rakitic that it had to do of mediocentro, by what was a lot of more delayed metres of what has us accustomed, Rafinha Alcántara and Denis Suárez owed to take the handle to wake up to his.

And the truth is that it saw them very green during this first time. True is that Lucas Alcaraz armed a cloth of spider where the two interiors stuck one and again whenever they wanted to start a played. Any of the two could offer an optimum level and the game of the Barça, in consequence, owed to be much more vertical that of habit.

It was missing Andrés Iniesta that it gave the pause in the half, started with the balloon between the legs and generated space that took advantage of Neymar, Suárez and Leo Messi. That had to have been Denis that it did not finish to be to taste in this role. The Galician follows progressing and adding minutes with the team but in front of rivals that close of form numantina does not finish to take the necessary chevrons to break this type of crashes.

Before being substituted saw him much better, without fear and trying several played. Although in the start of the party saw him a bit lost in the right-handed interior, occupying positions of Sergi Roberto, already in the second part settled and went a good complement of the of Reus. Shortly before the change by Gomes took out a pass magistral of the basket to the career of Luis Suárez that Vezo cleared by a hair's breadth. It left clear Denis, therefore, that what needs is to play and finish of pulirse to be a productive member of the team in this class of parties.