Eric García in the party of the City in front of the Marseilles


This Tuesday, decisive meeting for the arrival of Eric García to Barça

Published:26/01/2021 - 09:07h

Updated:26/01/2021 - 16:21h

This Tuesday, the candidates for the next Barça elections will meet with the Management Commission to decide what to do with Eric García. The central could arrive in January or could do it for free in summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Tuesday, the Managing Commission of the FC Barcelona will gather with the three candidates to the next elections of the Barça. Joan Laporta, Víctor Font and Toni Freixa will have a vital summit with Carles Tusquets, president of the Board, to speak on Eric García. The central Barcelonan is in looks it of the culés and of Ronald Koeman from does months and in this meeting have to decide what do with him.

In the summit that kept all does weeks seemed to remain descartada the incorporation of the defence for this market of January. Nevertheless, still there is not at all confirmed and will be today when it decide if the Barcelona go to by him already, expect to summer or descartan his arrival. The Agent does not have clear that it was necessary to do an effort already to satisfy to Koeman, but between the candidates there is not unanimity.

Joan Laporta is the one who more against shows of the signing and does not want to spend an alone euro in him this season. The ex president thinks that the economic situation of the club, that is dramatic in these moments, is more important that any another thing. The lawyer and employer thinks that the best is to expect to that they happen the elections and that it was the new president the one who decide if it is necessary to go to by him in summer, when it already was free.

On the other hand, Víctor Font considers that it is a strategic arrival and that it is necessary to close it what before to avoid that it escape . The one of Granollers has left to fall that his incorporation would go out by alone 3 million fixed euros and can that other 3 in variables, and that would not have to pay until the course that comes. The employer has good tuning with the managerial 'cityzen' and considers that it could negotiate with them his immediate arrival.

Toni Freixa, by his part, wants that the Barça close a precontrato with Eric what before for his arrival in summer. The ex director thinks that is not necessary to pay by him now by the crisis that lives the club, but neither considers that it was necessary to expect to after the elections to go to by him. The player could tire to expect to the Barcelona and therefore the candidate prefers to tie him already not to risk to lose to a value of future.

The Barça can not lose to Eric García

It will be necessary to see which opinion finishes being the one who finish imposing, although from out gives the impression that the one of Freixa is the best for the Barça. The dramatic economic situation invites to not doing unnecessary costs, but the culés neither can allow the luxury to risk to lose to one of the central with more projection of Europe. By this reason, for the sake of the partners, the candidates will have to put of agreement to go to by García.