Luis Suárez tries to mark goal against the Villarreal


The market value of Luis Suarez falls along with its performance

Published:26/09/2019 - 17:31h

Updated:26/09/2019 - 17:31h

It seems that Luis Suarez has entered his football decline. The charrúa remains a scorer of race, but it no longer shines as before. In fact, its market value has even gone from 60 to 50 million for its performance this start of the season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Suárez does time that does not go through his best moment and seems that it would be necessary to go assuming that, probably, never go to be the same of before. The years happen for all and in the case of the charrúa the step of the time has seated him worse that to the majority of forwards of the world. The '9' never will leave to mark goals, but his performance in the terrain of game leaves a lot that wish.

The 'killer' of Jump carries two goals in what it goes of course, thanks to the doublet that marked in front of Valencia. Two so many in five meetings is not badly, but in his case the worrisome are the feelings that has left in many of these crashes. To the Uruguayan sees him every time less powerful, more imprecise in his combinations and with less mordiente up. With 32 years, the physicist has not respected him in the last seasons and this has prejudiced him enormously.

In the skilled portal 'Transfermarkt' even have gone down him the value of the market of the 60 million euros to the 50. His regulate start of campaign, his problems with the goal when it plays in Europe and his bajón in the game would have caused this descent of 10 'kilos'. To his age, is almost impossible that can recover the value of before although it improve his performance.

To put in value the price that costs the charrúa could him compare with Karim Benzema. The French of the Real Madrid, that is almost a younger year that Suárez (both are of the 1987, but the culé is of January and the madridista of December), has a value of 40 million euros from May of 2018. The past season, the Frenchman marked five goals more than the Uruguayan and in the present carries also three targets more. Having this in account, the bajón of 10 'kilos' of the Barcelona is not so alarming.

With these 50 million euros, Suárez occupies the place 29 in the list of footballers with more value of LaLiga. Leo Messi and Eden Hazard empatan in the first place with 150 millions, whereas Griezmann closes the podium with 130. Other barcelonistas like Ter Stegen (90 'kilos'), Of Jong (85) or Arthur (70) also occupy the 'top 10'.

Suárez has to adapt to his new physicist

The charrúa always has been a footballer with an acceptable technician, but that never has been a shot that have distinguished him. The power, the hunger, his capacity to be in all places and the goal always have been his greater virtues like forward. Now, with less power and with less physicist to be able to cover all the forward, his game is resintiendo. If the '9' wants to follow surrendering in the elite, has to adjust his game to his current physicist. If it achieves it, it will be able to follow marking goals and being important during two or three seasons. But but it attains it, this could be the last campaign of Suárez like tip title of the Barça.