Luis Suárez, during a match with the Barça this season


What Barça de Setién could have been with Luis Suárez

Published:22/02/2020 - 11:48h

Updated:22/02/2020 - 11:59h

The comparisons are odious and, of course, those of Valverde with Setién have not taken long. However, sometimes it is not taken into account that the Cantabrian lost Luis Suarez

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Already it does a month that the FC Barcelona confirmed the injury of long length of Luis Suárez but, in spite of that the Uruguayan has lost these last seven parties of the team culé, keeps on being the maximum second goleador of the team (with 14 so many marked, 11 in LaLiga and three in Champions League) only surpassed by the 19 of Leo Messi (14 in LaLiga, two in Champions League, two in Glass of Rey and one in the Supercopa of Spain).

Unfortunately, the operation of Luis Suárez carried out little anters of the presentation of Quique Setién like new trainer of the FC Barcelona, by what the Cantabrian began facing the relief of Ernesto Valverde without a so important player like the Uruguayan. A player that now is missing no only by his capacity goleadora, but also by his spirit aguerrido.

The system of Valverde consisted in freeing totally of defensive work so much to Messi as to Suárez, something that was a weapon of double edge: both players​ were cooler to attack and resulted to be lethal but, to the to time, the defensive system of the team resentía when having to defend without two effective, by what the balloon cost more than recovering and, when it attained , did more far of the goal.

Quique Setién is carrying out an attempt to recover this high pressure in which Luis Suárez had been able to help a lot. The Uruguayan is a footballer peleón, that struggles each ball to the end and that it had been key to advance lines in search of incomodar the exit of ball from the rival defence. A facet that lost with Valverde but that it had been able to recover to the orders of Setién.

A hándicap for Setién

In addition to the key appearance of the pressure, of course without Luis Suárez loses a lethal weapon inside the area, as well as the best partner of Messi inside and out of the field. The goals that is not marking the ariete of Jump is something that sometimes does not have the sufficiently in account when it compares to Valverde with Setién and when it criticises the cessation of the first and the exert of the second.

Luis Suárez was in a lot of occasions the attendant to open the tin, this opportunist forward that understood like anybody what had to do to drill the contrary goals. His long period of recovery is affecting bitterly the global performance of the FC Barcelona, but the team will have to do to the idea that will have to survive without his 'killer' at least, until April.