Xavi causes Barça to stop being 'dependent' on Pedri González
Pedri González's latest injuries had been a drama for FC Barcelona in terms of play and results. However, in this last month the story has changed. The team no longer depends so much on the midfielder
Have Pedri González is a 'plus' quite important for the FC Barcelona, because there are few able midfield players to inject so much pause, sense and creativity to the game. The Tenerifean, in spite of having only 20 years, carries a few seasons being the point diferenciador of the Barcelona group. It has commissioned to deliver the game and propiciar advantageous situations and, when it has not been, has been dramatic.
In these last seasons had done a lot of upsetting in that the Barça needed to a new 'jugón' in the medullary that could share responsibilities with Pedri, put the load of parties that had was dangerous. It tried the signing of Bernardo Silva, but was impossible. The club finished desisting and, although it did not achieve the incorporation of an identical profile, or at least similar, Xavi Hernández has tied the capes so that, to this point, do not notice the absence of the Tenerifean.
The Barça 'sobrepone' to the absence of Pedri
And it is that Pedri has been 'KO' from finals of August. Far to suppose a drama for the Barcelona, has served like opportunity so that the trainer egarense deliver the responsibilities and change the dynamics of the Barça. After the solvent victory in front of the Royal Amberes, with a 'manita', part of the analysis of the game culé split of how footballers like Ílkay Gündogan, Joao Cancel or the own Joao Félix were appearing to counter the absence of Pedri. The plan has worked of wonders, especially by the role of the Teutonic that, in spite of being the most advanced midfield player, is the one who more participate and touches the balloon.
The feelings were being very positive and the data have not done more than confirming it. 'Sportive world' has remembered how have suffered the Catalans in the last two seasons when it has not been present the ex of The Palms and the results are overwhelming, because the Barça only was able to win 20 of the 45 clashes that played in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 in which it was not Pedri, with a balance of eleven ties and fourteen defeats.
Of the dependency to the 'solvency' without Pedri
The bad performances of the blaugrana usually coincided with the absence of the Tenerifean and has 'felt' by all what contributes in the game, but did not leave to be worrisome by the big dependency that there was. In the last campaign, lost fifteen parties by injury and, in the meantime, the Barça added seven victories, six defeats and a tie. In the previous, was 'KO' in 30 opportunities and went eight the falls, nine ties and thirteen triumphs. Now, only it has played two parties... And the Catalan picture has won it everything in spite of his absence.