The proposals of Laporta, Font and Freixa to pay the debt of the Barça
Published:28/01/2021 - 23:57h
Updated:28/01/2021 - 23:58h
The three precandidatos Víctor Font, Joan Laporta and Toni Freixa have diverse proposals to rid to the Catalan group of the enormous economic debt that has
The economic crisis in which it is sumida the Catalan square is one of the subjects more álgidos of the elections to choose to the next president, and is not little thing the situation. Recently, it had knowledge that the total debt of the Barcelona is of 1.173 million euros, between which include 322 millions by concept of signings and traspasos pending with other clubs,
The alarms are lit to the not to see surpassed the pandemia, which has kept the enclosed installations and will do that the club have losses by 520 millions from March of 2020 to June of 2021.
Joan Laporta
In the team of Laporta, finds the ex general director of the Fundació laCaixa, Jaumé Turned, to the one who sees him like strong man in the economic area to improve the situation of the club. In his plan, first, propose to make a thorough audit of the arks, also expect a favourable evolution of the pandemia to go recovering 65% of the stray income before the arrival of the covid.
"We do not come to disassemble it all but to improve what works and enter new ideas", says Laporta, that foresees a margin of profit of the 6-7% in the budget and a plan to contain the cost of operative management underneath of 270 millions until the 2022-23, but with the novelty of the broadcast of bonos to lighten tensions with the tesorería and guarantee liquidity, which will be of two types: One for the fans of the club and another headed to investors.
His proposal also accepts the finance of Goldman Sachs, but sees the same mejorable, since it sees it key to be the epicentre of the offer of entertainment of team culé. Laporta Also proposes to multiply the global presence of the club in the five continents building more complex of "Barça Experience" of which to date already exist 55. Through the Barça Digital Hub, improve the Barça Innovation Hub and the platform of contents Barça Studios promoting besides the eSports with an eMasia to form to the sportsmen.
Laporta, also considers to look for forms to increase the number of official sponsors of the club, ensure can increase the number of 29 to 49 the sponsors current and in 35 the categories still for covering, between them an airline. Besides, it recognises that the Superliga can be beneficial economically for the Barcelona, but, at the same time has doubted of his feasibility on a long-term basis.
Víctor Font
Font Proposes to generate sufficient income to guarantee that the Barcelona can follow competing by the main tournaments, so much of Spain as of Europe. "In first place, a plan of crash for the first one hundred days of mandate. It will touch refinanciar with the banks the debt in the short term and take unpopular measures, like the restructuring of the mass salarial", has declared the precandidato
Besides, Font proposes a "economic plan to half term, that goes through to look for new sources of entry and by monetizar to the 400 million fans that has the Barça in the world. It is necessary to be innovative to generate new sources of entry, racionalizar the cost and finish with the dispendio economic and attain that there is excedentes of box to face up to the debt, can fichar and reinforce the economic structure". The precandidato, ensures also incorporate to his team to a CEO and has jointed to young talents of the digital world, technological and audiovisual to attain said projects.
The plan of the precandidato expects to allow that the club invoice 1.400 million euros to the year, this yes, treating to avoid that the club turn into an Anonymous Society (S.A.). "Like this there is not risk to be a S.A. and could follow competing with the best".
Font Has said that supports the construction of the new Camp Nou and the new Palau "are an urgent need", but wants to review with detail the project of the Espai Barça and the agreement with Goldman Sachs to know if it is viable and does not put in danger the current model of the club. The precandidato ensures that the new Camp Nou can be smart in 2025.
Toni Freixa
Freixa, by his part, considers that it can attain an exit to the crisis stabilising the mass salarial, adjusting it to the income that receive the club, in addition to renegotiating the debt and refusing the capitalisations to base of bonos or by the road of the Barça Corporate. The precandidato considers that the bonos are impossible to give back and the Corporate is to allow that an Anonymous Society do charge of part of active and areas of the business of the club, by what proposes to ask a credit by 60 millions to be able to have some margin of manoeuvre.
However, it has predicted that when it can open the stadium and go back the tourism the Barça will recover the levels of entry above the 900 millions. In the sportive management bet by renewals adjusted to the age and quality of the players, and no to his list of winners or charisma. For the candidate, went a craso error of the previous managerial board "obsess for invoiceing until 1.000 millions without margin of profit".
Investments and the Superliga
Now, Freixa also thinks that has to apply a plan of crash that involve a drastic reduction of costs and the renegociación of the short debt term. For him, all the areas of business have to make money and have to suppress those that are not productive. It insists in investing in the sections, but racionalizando the cost of agreement to the possibilities of the club.
Freixa Wants to contribute committed income with the respect and the salvaguarda of the history and the structure of the club. It foresees some extra gains in taquillaje of 70 millions. The candidate considers that it is indispensable to initiate with the Espai Barça like a big area of exploitation. To generate income, Freixa escapes of the bonos and sale of active. Neither it sees clear the Superliga, of which does not know the small letter, and bet by a restructuring of the digital business.