Rafa Nadal, during a press conference this Tuesday


Rafael Nadal, the last in positioning in favour of Hammered

Published:3/10/2017 - 17:37h

Updated:3/10/2017 - 17:37h

The prestigious Spanish tennist and number one of the world, Rafa Nadal, appeared in front of the means dese Peking, where is contesting the Open of China, and condemned the whistles and boos that is suffering Gerard Hammered in the Spanish selection

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In statements conceded in press conference after winning to Lucas Poille in the Open of China, Rafael Nadal has been asked after the situation that is crossing Gerard Hammered in the Spanish selection of football, and has left clear that is against of the whistles, insults and boos that receives the central Catalan of the FC Barcelona by part of the Spanish fans.

"It does not like me that piten to anybody, do not understand to the people that pita to another", has thought the current number one of the world, ensuring that "they arrive to some extremes that do not contribute at all positive, and obviously pitar to Hammered is also a form to express of people too radical".

And it is that Rafa Nadal affirms that it is "touched" by all what is happening lately in Catalonia. "I think that all the performances of radical form, are of ones or of others, are badly, the radicalización in general, was futbolística, tennist or of any sport, fanaticism, is something bad".

"I am with the heart shrunk", has manifested the Spanish tennist, very attentive to all what is happening in the last days, and especially to what occurred the Sunday with the police loads of the Civil Guard and the National Police against the Catalan citizenship.

It will play I Hammered against Albania?

Nadal, in definite, is already one more than which defend to Gerard Hammered, the one who has the support of the big majority of his mates in the changing room of 'The Red' and also of the trainer, Julen Lopetegui, but no of the Spanish fans.

It will be missing to see if the seleccionador decides to range him or no this next Friday of face to the commitment against the selection of Albania, corresponding to the phase of classification for the World-wide of Russia 2018. It is possible that the Barcelona do not have minutes.