It goes back the canterano

Rafinha reincorpora And "Struggle" already has them to all less to Ney

Published:25/08/2016 - 11:17h

Updated:25/08/2016 - 12:53h

Landed already from Brazil in Barcelona and recovered of the change of airs, Rafinha Alcántara already has put to disposal of Luis Enrique in the training of this Thursday. The canterano already has made the corresponding ejerciciso with the rest

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona already is to the complete to prepare the party of the next Sunday to the 20.15 hours that will have ugar in Saint Mamés and in front of the Athletic Club of Bilbao. The Barcelona, without Neymar these himself that still is of party and will not go back until after the stop by selections, have been able to explain already for this Thursday with the canterano Rafinha Alcántara

After arriving of Brazil, Rafinha suffered a small cold that left him ko during all day, without being able to exercise with the rest of mates. The change of airs seems that it did mella in him. However, this Thursday already found in plenitud of his faculties to exercise beside the rest of his mates in the session where prepared the next party in front of the Basques.

A meeting for which also could be recovered Marc-André ter Stegen, that already went back to the entrenos the Wednesday with good feelings. In this session, the German repeated making the pertinent exercises with total normality and without any problem in his knee.

To the equal that Javier Mascherano that has recuprado in record time of his elongación in the biceps femoral of his right leg. The "jefecito" prepares for comandar the defence beside Gerard Hammered in a feudo that is not at all favourable for the Barcelona by the environment that will find . The culés are not very very received in Bilbao where, for putting an example, arrives to whistle to the same Andrés Iniesta.