Ronald Araujo en un partido


Ronald Araújo sends a message to Barcelona fans after the recent controversy unleashed

Published:25/07/2024 - 21:30h

Updated:26/07/2024 - 04:49h

The defender published a new message after his last "indirect" to FC Barcelona. At first, the center-back thanked the Uruguayan team and its fans for their support after his operation in Finland, but did not mention the Barça team

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After having been subjected to a surgical intervention in Finland, by means of his social networks, Ronald Araújo public a message that opened a debate. The footballer appreciated the samples of support of the Uruguayan selection and his followers. However, the central did not mention to the FC Barcelona neither to the fans of the club, something that called the attention of to a large extent, since it could treat of a "indirect "" to his team for having gone in in the list of transferibles in a moment in which the Barcelona look for income to move in the market of signings.

"I appreciate to my mates, to all the collaborators and to the people that was giving us his affection in each place. My total admiration by the support in each city and in each stadium", said the Uruguayan in his communiqué. However, the last gesture of the 'crack' when seeming is a message to remove iron to the subject. It does some hours, the 'charrúa' public a text in which it gave details of his recovery and spoke of the Barcelona: "we Begin with the recovery. Culers, soon will be giving war in the field as always".

The image of Ronald Araújo with crutches

Beside the message in social networks, the exjugador of the CA Boston River public two circles, one of blue colour and the another red, similar to the ones of the shield of the FC Barcelona. Besides, accompanying the text can appreciate a photography in which it appears the defender sonriente while it displaces with two crutches. It fits to remember that the footballer was subjected to an operation after having suffered an injury in the biceps femoral right, during the party of the Uruguayan selection against Brazil in the Glass America.

Recently, the doctors communicated that the one of Rivera will not be able to play during at least four months. Even, the specialists explained that the recovery of the central and his turn to the field go to depend on his evolution. Although the injury can "help" to the Barcelona team, since they could use the drop of long length to achieve a signing more, as the established in the article 77 of the Regulation of LaLiga for the preparation of budgets.

"The limit of cost in sportive staff inscribible or the capacity of registration could exceed in a season" and whose "registration request in the term of 30 natural days to explain from the date of the injury of the player and that like consequence of the same foresee an inability of equal or upper length to four months since it had produced ". In this context, the Barça could use 80% of the index card of the central to incorporate to a player. In any case, what yes remains clear is that the good relation of the footballer with the club continues in spite of the rumours.

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