Ronald Araujo sincere on Messi, Laporta, Koeman and the Barcelona
Published:6/04/2021 - 22:45h
Updated:6/04/2021 - 22:46h
The defender charrúa spoke of how was his arrival to the combined Catalan, like this on how has been his experience playing in the Barcelona from the moment in which it arrived
The young Uruguayan defender of the Barcelona, Ronald Araujo, revealed in an interview cmo was his arrival to the Barcelona and his adaptation to the style of game of the Camp Nou. Also it spoke on how it has been to play in the same team that Messi.
"When I arrived to the Barcelona had the style of football of Uruguay, that was to hit it to the forward and to run, when I arrived the ball went me flying, went to 200 by hour and the game of position cost me a lot of. It did not depress me neither it removed me the illusion, remained me to go in and to do control and pass each day and was me accustomed. Now already I am accustomed, still there is a lot for learning, but go me adapting each day and attempt learn a bit more", related in an interview for the program "That t'hi jugues" of the Chain Be.
It mentioned also that his arrive to the combined culé was extremely unexpected and sudden "Was something very unexpected and very fast". Besides, it affirmed that Ramón Plans "has been very important, since I arrived was a pillar for me. Always it supported me and it reassured me and it believed in my possibilities. It was very important in the sportive and in the life because when arriving came only".
His injury
The central blaugrana spoke of his last injury and admitted that had a relapse in the same by have not expected a bit more time to ensure a bit his recovery. "Cost a bit because we rush a bit by win them to want to be and help to the team. With the Seville me resentí and had to retreat, but already am better to face what comes that it is very important for us", said.
It ensures that the combined directed by Koeman finds in a big moment, no only in the futbolístico, but off-stage. "The team is very well and the group also. We knew that when the results were not good together could carry them out because there was group and excellent players. We join us more and had talks with the captains and knew that if we were more joined went to come more good results and this is giving now, and expect that they can follow giving fruits. For what comes have to be very together and follow like this".
On Messi
The no unseen Uruguayan his wishes that Messi say "if" to the renewal. "Since it went Luis Suárez seated me in his taquilla and am at the side of Leo. It is an excellent person, a captain and all a referent and expect that it remain much more time". However, it admits that it would be complicated a Barcelona without "The Flea". "It is complicated to think that it was not Leo because he is the Barcelona. It carries a lot of years here and is the captain and the referent. It is the idol of a lot of fans and would be difficult to see it with another T-shirt and want to that it remain ".
During the interview, Araujo had a lot of praises for Koeman, and neither hid his wishes that the Dutch keep on being the míster of the Barcelona. "It is a big trainer and this is showing it, am happy because it helps us enough and expect that it can remain more time. In his first year is doing a big work and if it is another year as more still. A doublet would help to that it followed, clear is, expect that we can win what remains us. The serious League tremendo win it because it does some months gave us by dead persons"
Finally, it spoke also on Laporta and trusts that it will do a good presidency of the club. "It is a big president, already showed when it was and now from the first moment that assumed the charge came to speak with us and to show them that is very near. I think that it is an intelligent person and expect that it help us".