Ronaldinho, celebrating a goal


Ronaldinho and Barça come together to remember the arrival of magic and samba at Camp Nou

Published:21/07/2024 - 22:00h

Updated:22/07/2024 - 03:27h

FC Barcelona and Ronaldinho have remembered a memorable date for Barcelona fans through their social networks. Every July 21, since 2003, the anniversary of the historic arrival of the Brazilian star to the culé team has been celebrated

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Sunday 21 July fulfil 21 years of a historical event for the FC Barcelona. Why? As because on 21 July 2003, the combined Catalan presented in the Camp Nou, in front of more than 25.000 fans, the signing of Ronaldo of Assís Moreira, more known like Ronaldinho. 'Dinho' Arrived to the pertinent club of Paris Saint-Germain by 25 M€ more five variables. In that moment, east mount seemed big, but in the long run resulted to be irrisoria in comparison with all what the Brazilian star contributed to the Barcelona cast.

In that day of presentation, Ronaldinho, with the number 10 in the back, showed his character of 'magician' and seduced to the presents in the feudo culé with his envidiable control of balloon and his skill to do 'jueguitos'. All this did it with a simplicity and ease near at hand of very few, always accompanied of a smile in his face. This so particular smile that turned into a constant along his career like player of the Barcelonan picture and cost him the nickname of the 'smile of the football', largely because of the emotions that was able to generate with his big capacity of inventiveness with the spherical in the feet.

In that moment, Joan Laporta, the one who was president of the club, aseveró that the one of Carry Cheerful "arrived to give him to the Barça the best years of his sportive life". And in some way, like this was. It is necessary to remember that 'Dinho' arrived in a period in which the Catalan cast did not cross his best sportive moment. The team carried four years without winning The League, five years without winning the Glass of Rey, seven years without winning the Supercopa of Spain and eleven years without winning the Champions League.

The arrival of Ronaldinho marked a before and an afterwards in the FC Barcelona

However, coincidence or no, from the arrival of Ronaldinho, this situation began to change. His impact regarding titles was immediate, since the combined of the City Condal put end to the drought in The League heaving the trophy of the season 2004/05. But this was not all, the Barça attained a 'back to back' in the championship suspender belt, since also it topped champion in the season 2005/06. This course was memorable, no only because the culés won LaLiga, but also because it consecrated champion of the Champions League and of the Supercopa of Spain. Likewise, the Supercopa of Spain that won in the period 2006/07 was the last collective award that exjugador of the Guild raised like Barcelona.

To individual level, the Brazilian star left his footprint of impressive way. It annotated 94 goals and offered 71 assistances in 207 commitments. Besides, it received several individual prizes, like the Prize to the Player of the Year of the FIFA (at present The Best) in 2004 and 2005, the Prize to the Player of Year of the UEFA in 2006 and the Balloon of Gold in 2005, a representative attainment that put in high the name of the FC Barcelona in this award, something that no sucedía from 1999, when Rivaldo, another stood out Brazilian player of the Barça, had won it.

To his time, can not forget the intangible contributions that left a mark in the memory of the fans. For example, the ovation that received in the stadium Santiago Bernabéu after marking two big goals in the victory by 0-3 in front of the Real Madrid on 19 November 2005, or the big target that turned into the 'night of the gazpacho' against the Seville in 2003, during his debut like culé in the Camp Nou. This meeting began to the 00:05 h of the Wednesday and finished happened the two of the morning. Without mentioning other played memorables, as his famous 'elastic' and other magic dribblings that turned it into one of the showiest players and appeals to see with the Barcelona T-shirt, until it culminated his cycle like culé in the season 2008/09, when it left to the AC Milan.

The reactions of the Barça and 'Dinho' in his social networks in front of this anniversary

In spite of the step of the time, Ronaldinho has showed that it has not forgotten a day so memorable in his career futbolística. In fact, it has remembered it in his social networks (@ronaldinho), where has expressed once again his affection to the institution and the fans. "Neither in my best dreams would have imagined that they would receive me as they received me in Barcelona. Today it is the date of the first time that went in in our house... Thank you FC Barcelona, thank you fans culé", expressed 'Dinho'.

By his part, the club culé was brief but equally affectionate in his congratulation to one of his big legends. "OTD In 2003... Ronaldinho Was presented like player of the Barça! The rest is history", commented the Barcelonan picture through his social networks.

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