It does not do lacking to be an authentic expert of the balompié to darse that Leo Messi has something in his football that does him be only. This magic or fantasy, as it affirms the mythical ex Brazilian footballer Ronaldo Nazario that it does him stand out above the rest. Even on the forward of the Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo, with which always are him comparing for bad result of the of Madeira.
"The two are very good (Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo), are very above the other. But it would say that Messi has a poquito more fantasy that Christian. The way in that it carries the balloon, with fast movements, changes of direction. Do this with the so hit balloon to the foot is not an easy thing", affirmed the sudamericano in an interview conceded for "Sky Sport Italy".
The ancient tip of FC Barcelona, Inter and Real Madrid, among others, also spoke of his career and of how play in the Inter of Milan was one of the biggest challenges of his career futbolística. "Play in Inter has been the biggest challenge of my life. In this period the Italian league was the best of the world and the most difficult, with the defensive characteristics of the Italian football. It has been a big challenge and would say that it has gone very well. The Inter will remain in my heart", commented.
Besides, Ronaldo desveló some that another secret on his career, as that whenever it played a party amused on the terrain of game. "Had win to mark goals and this always has been strong in me. And had win to amuse me because although it have been a professional, play to the football for me always has been a big divertimiento", concluded.
Ronaldo Nazario: "Messi has more fantasy that Christian"
Ronaldo Nazario: "Messi has more fantasy that Christian"
The mythical ex Brazilian forward Ronaldo Nazario spoke on the two cracks of the world-wide football and affirmed that although both "are above the other", the Argentinian has "a poquito more fantasy that Christian". Also it spoke of all his sportive career
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