Marcos Alonso, jugador del FC Barcelona


The sanctions to which Barça is exposed for the 'Marcos Alonso Case'

Published:29/03/2023 - 14:30h

Updated:29/03/2023 - 14:30h

The FC Barcelona has another 'battle front' opened in the legal field. This time in front of possible ireegularidades in the signing of Marcos Alonso, that could involve sanctions by part of FIFA

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To the margin of the good moment that lives the FC Barcelona in the sportive plane, the institution has seen wrapped in a series of legal conflicts, that go from the indictments by the 'Case Negreira' until the possible irregularities committed in the procedure for fichar to Marcos Alonso, that already have been reported by two clubs.

In concrete, treats of the Union Adarve and the Bolton Wanderers. Both are demanding the payment by the rights of training, that did not do in his moment when the player went out of Spain and whose responsibility now recaería in the Catalan entity, esgrimiendo that the Madrilenian did not arrive like free agent, but in the middle of an operation that included the exit of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

The problems for the Barça

From the newspaper 'Sportive World' have consulted to the specialist in Sportive Right, Jorge Cowboy, to know the possible stages: "they Could devengarse disciplinary consequences in case that the FIFA understand that there has been concealment of data around the operation and/or that have entered inaccurate facts in the TMS (Transfer Market System or system of transfers), that is the portal of FIFA that manages the operations of transfer and registration of players".

However, it warns not having proof of the claims of the English team: "it does not state us and besides it is something difficult to determine because desconocemos, so much Adarve like the Bolton, the economic total in which the FIFA will price the operation of Marcos Alonso. Therefore, the first is that the FIFA determine said quantity to which later has to apply the concept that, in concept of mechanism of solidarity, would correspond him".

The registration of footballers, again loomed

Likewise, it indicated that this situation could involve setbacks to the moment to inscribe players: "it Could affect, definitely, as one of the possible disciplinary consequences in case that FIFA understand that there has been a simulation would be the impossibility to inscribe players. Obviously we think that there has been a simulation by what are safe that FIFA will understand it like this. The decision, therefore, would go through to recognise to Adarve, Bolton and other clubs formadores, between them the Real Madrid, the quantities that correspond them by the training of the player as well as possible disciplinary consequences".