The players of the Barça greet after the party


Barça sections accept the ERTE and only miss the "yes" of the football team

Published:29/03/2020 - 08:36h

Updated:29/03/2020 - 12:01h

The captains of the sports sections of FC Barcelona confirmed that their teams accept the ERTE that the club intends to do in the face of the coronavirus crisis. Only the agreement with Barça football is missing, as its players resist

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It carries speaking already quite a lot of days on the ERTE that pretends to do the FC Barcelona to all his workers and players. With this measure, in the club want to struggle against the economic crisis that has generated the stop of the competitions by fault of the coronavirus. Josep Maria Bartomeu and his managerial board think that this is the best solution to surpass this reverse and seems that this idea of which so much has argued goes wind in stern.

The professional sections of the Barça have taken a step forward and have pronounced on this ERTE that plans by the Camp Nou. The captains of basketball, five-a-side football, handball and hockey skate have spoken and have left clear that his teams accept this discount of temporary wage. The players understand that they are hard moments for the group barcelonista and that all together have to come close the shoulder to surpass them.

In front of Tomic, of the Barça of basketball, ensured that in front of a crisis like this the sportsmen have to be the first in helping, since they can it to him allow. "This difficult situation with the coronavirus does us part of a much bigger team that the Barça of basket. For somebody that has the luck to win so much money, is not a heroic act renounce to a part, in comparison with what are happening the people that win less", commented.

Víctor Tomas, captain of the Barcelona of handball, also left clear that this section supports to the club. The Catalan, besides, stood out that the club always went of face and that understands the situation. "In moments so complicated like east, in which a lot of people is having a bad time for real, and having true difficulties for encarar his future to economic level, create, to personal title, that can not do another thing that support to the club and help in what it do lacking to surpass between all a moment so complicated. I want to leave clear that the club, with his responsible maxima in command, has been sincere and has gone always of face expressing the real situation that lives the club and the actions that have to undertake to go out forward. And leaving clear, that are the first in regretting an action like this", commented.

Sergio Lozano, the 'capi' of the group of five-a-side football, also left clear the support of this section to the club. "We are happening moments very hard to social level and what truly matters me is that this finish prompt. The of less is the ours, but is clear that if we can help to the club, as we will help", explained. Something alike said Aitor Egurrola, captain of the team of hockey skate. "From the first moment that communicated us the proposal to reduce our wages, understood the situation and share that, in front of the needs of the club that so much has given us, is the moment to do an effort", stood out.

The team of football follow refusing the proposal

Therefore, with the "himself" rotundo of the sections, the ERTE of the Barça depends now of the team of masculine football. The footballers of the first team do not want to accept a discount of 70%, that is what proposes the club, and pretend that it was lower. The negotiations continue on its course from does days, but from the club expect that the players yield and have the gesture that have had the rest of teams. The next days will be keys to see how finish all this.