Sergi Roberto in the official presentation of the Barça 2017-18


Sergi Roberto, a centenary that always gives the size

Published:24/09/2017 - 11:27h

Updated:24/09/2017 - 11:42h

Sergi Roberto was near to abandon the Camp Nou and finally exploded like right side. Now it has turned into a big midfield player and a better joker, one that Ernesto Valverde has very in account

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergi Roberto is of this type of players that always gives the size. Never it hides . It can be more or less title, change more or less of position... But when it jumps to the terrain of game fulfils like few. It does not shine as they can do it others, but his regularity turns him into an indispensable bastion for this Barcelona.

The Catalan fulfilled in Montilivi his party 100 in LaLiga, orn fact very special more by his current situation that by the number in himself. And it is that, after long, work and sacrifice, the one of Reus is a very important piece in the staff of the first team. Far it remains already on 21 May 2011, when it debuted in the national championship, still like player of the filial, in a duel in The Rosaleda.

Since, 100 meetings, 58 like headline and 42 like acting, a tendency that little by little has gone volteando Sergi Roberto that was near to abandon the Camp Nou and that finally exploded like right side. Now it has turned into a big midfield player and a better joker, one that Ernesto Valverde has very in account.

The canterano forms part now of the known as 'second unit', a quite diffuse concept for the sportsmen, because in a team all the great world -that say it to him to the Madrid the past season-. It does not complain, it does not ask more leadership... It fulfils with his work when has the opportunity.

In front of the Girona, impoluto

Reviewing the meeting of this Saturday in front of the Girona, Roberto was soberbio. Fino to the cut, fast in the defensive and again deep balance by the band, especially when Aleix changed to the left extreme. Has a lung that turns him into an incredible player. It seems tireless.