The seven jewels of the Masia that have been renewed and could succeed at Barça
Published:11/07/2020 - 13:17h
Updated:11/07/2020 - 15:59h
FC Barcelona wants to bet strongly on the Masia again and that is why they have renewed this summer seven pearls that could succeed in the first team. The Catalans have been quick and have worked well not to lose these promises
The FC Barcelona wants that the Masia go back to be what was does no a lot of years and is betting strong by the continuity of young promises that some day could be important in the first team. Riqui Puig, Ansu Fati, Ronald Araújo or Carles Aleñá, although it was yielded in the Real Betis, form part of this politics of the club, but neither much less are the only. There are several jewels that could have abandoned the Barça this same summer that have renewed and will follow forming in the quarry.
It treats of Konrad de la Fuente, Nils Mortimer, Arnau Tenas, Lazar Carevic, Sergi Rosanas, Álvaro Sanz and Mika Marble. All they have expanded his links with the culés recently or inclus very recently, as it is the case of Marble. Acdemás, except Carevic, that already was in the filial, all the other players of this list belong to the Juvenile To, a generation that could bring a lot of joys to the parish barcelonista.
Of all they, it is necessary to stand out especially the renewals of Konrad and Arnau, that have potential to triumph with the greater sooner that late. The negotiation with both has been long, but the two footballers have put of his part to renew and be still in the club of his loves. Konrad has expanded his links with the Barça until 2022 with two more expandable years, whereas the archer has renewed by three seasons, with other two postponable.
The clause of rescission of Arnau will be of 100 million euros, by what remains practically descartado that somebody carry it to him paying it. In the case of the North American , his freedom will cost the half, 50 'kilos', a figure that will have to review in case that it explode definitively, something that could suceder before or afterwards. Nevertheless, the 'ace' in the sleeve that saves the Barcelona is that automatically this clause of 50 will happen to 100 in what it go up officially to the first team.
On the other hand, it fits to stand out that, to exception of the mentioned Konrad, all the canteranos of this list signed until 2023. The bet of the club is clear and surely expects that any of these players can finish shining in the Barça beside the Ansu, Riqui and Ronald. It will not be easy, but who know if inside two or three seasons any of them will share changing room with the heavy weights of the Barcelona in the Camp Nou.
The Barça wants to go up to Second
To be able to dream with this, the first step that have to give all they is to settle in a filial in which they have debuted themajority . Javier García Pepper will have to throw of many to do the staff of the course that comes and expects that this jump was in Second Division. The B will play the promotion in the 'playoff' of Málaga and will have to surpass to the Valladolid Promises in his first proof of fire. If it arrived the dream of the promotion, the canteranos will have greater margin of improvement in a category more profesionalizada and in which it practises better football that in Second B.