Mika Faye Is one of the fashionable name in Can Barça in this start of season 2023/2024. The Senegalese defender of 19 years is one of the most attractive pieces in the filial of Rafa Márquez, with which already has contested two of the three possible parties in the first RFEF. It has erigido like defender title and has played the 90 minutes so much in the victory by 2-1 in front of the Real Union as in the defeat by 1-0 in front of the Nàstic of Tarragona. It has showed all these exceptional conditions to physical level that marvelled to Xavi during the pre-season, and now also shows a big skill to keep the serenity in situations of stress, in addition to precision in the strike.

In regard to this, the brother of Dani Elm, Carlos Elm, conceded an interview does some time in the pódcast 'Team Barça', in which it spoke on the time that coincided with the defender in the NK Kustosija in the Second Division of Croatia. Already then, the Spanish intuía the impact that would have the Senegalese in the football of the Iberian nation, affirming: "What more likes me of him is the head that has. It is a youngster supernormal, supertranquilo; it does not have birds in the head, and this, at the end, know what is used to to happen with the footballers talentosos of 18 years".

"Futbolísticamente, is very fast and powerful"

Besides, the pivote took advantage of for exaltar the skills of Mika Faye in the terrain of game, mentioning his remarkable speed and his big mental fortress: "it would stand out his head, is a boy ten, but futbolísticamente is very fast and powerful. This is innegable". Added to this, recalcó that his good physical state is not the only that turns it into a big defender, but it also has a good capacity of shot, signalling: "Has a strike of incredible balloon, although it was left-handed, also has good right leg".

When it explained the subject of the strike, Carlos Elm also stood out that, grieve the Senegalese arrived to the Croatian team and after a pair of trainings, did charge of the played to unemployed balloon, executing the shots of corner and the faults thanks to his prodigious finish of the spherical.

"It is fast, but controls very well the times"

The mediocentro of Terrassa concluded referring to the defender in relation with his speed, that gives him an appearance of confidence and control of the situation at all times: "For us, it went a safe of life during the months that played with us in defence. It controls perfectly the 'timing'. Many times it thought: 'it will not arrive', but the type arrived. It is fast, but controls very well the times, goes very well to the cut and is very safe in the floor. No they saw him lacks, and do not say it only why was in my team. I said: 'it go, it is badly planted now, will not arrive', and the type arrived!".