The future of Raphinha in the FC Barcelona seems to be more sólidamente cimentado of what has rumoreado in the last days in the City Condal. The Brazilian has been reason of worry in Can Barça in the last days, since, although it has left clear that it can be an asistidor voracious (carries seven passes to goal in what it goes of campaign) and have good performances in the creation of played of danger, the fact that it have not converted so many annotations as it expected (four targets) seems to be generating some discomfort in the club.

Nevertheless, the exjugador of the Leeds seems to have found the way of the goal and little by little has gone improving his performances, converting a so much in front of the Almería (3-2) in LaLiga and annotating also against the UD Barbastro (2-3) in the Glass of Rey. This has begun to generate a necessary claim for a player that has agreement with the Catalan picture until 2026 and that has in the Supercopa of Arabia a new opportunity to show if it can prolong his good moment goleador.

Apart from the sportive, the native of Carry Cheerful, given the previously exposed reasons and being the seventh player of the club culé with greater value of market (50 millions), although it could be sold by much more, arrived to rumorear that the Barça could have him removed his poster of 'untransferable' and would have put it in the market to the best bidder. However, this seems to be far of the reality.

Deco Still trusts the 'explosion' futbolística of Raphinha

As it aims 'SPORT', the sportive director of the FC, Deco, would have blocked the exit of Raphinha. This presumption of exit arose from the moment that is crossing the Barcelona cast to economic level, and in which apparently they would have posed give exit to one of his 'artillerymen' to balance accounts. Being the carry-alegrense one of the most valuable and tempting, seemed that it would be an available aim, something that has been desestimado by the team of the City Condal, although no the idea to sell to an active in offensive that, to day of today, desconoce who could be.

Also it is important to remember that the FC Barcelona is in a period in which it is considering 'painful sales' to balance his accounts. Even, apparently, because of the surplus of defenders with which explains the picture blaugrana and his stellar level, would be fraguando the sale of one of them, being the main distinguished Andreas Christensen.