Robert Lewandowski en la previa del Clásico entre el Real Madrid y el FC Barcelona en LaLiga EA Sports


Stays! Lewandowski makes it clear that he will continue at Barça for the 24/25 season

Published:22/05/2024 - 14:00h

Updated:22/05/2024 - 19:22h

Robert Lewandowski has not hesitated to express his desire to continue at FC Barcelona for the 2024/25 season, thus eliminating any possible rumors about his departure from the club during the summer market. He stated that he still feels in top shape and is willing to continue helping the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Robert Lewandowski in the FC Barcelona has been object of debate in the last weeks in the City Condal. Why? As because of the diverse rumours that have aimed to that the club could dispense of the Polish forward in the next market of summer. This premise sustentaría mainly in two important points: in the first place, his age, since it is about to to fulfil 36 years the next 21 August. Although it still follows surrendering to good level, is ineludible that the Barcelona picture needs to prepare a relief of guarantees in this position.

On the other hand, the second reason of worry of the Catalan cast regarding 'Lewy' has to see with the economic appearance of the club, specifically with the impact that the '9' would have in the scale salarial of the next course 2024/25. It is necessary to remember that in the agreement that rubricó with the Barça after leaving the Bayern Munich in 2022 stipulates that his wage will increase progressively along theyears . In this campaign 24/25, would happen to earn 13 M€ to 16 M€. This question does not seem to be of the like of the combined Barcelonan.

Lewandowski 'Wetted' on his continuity in the FC Barcelona

Nevertheless, in spite of this, the exit of Lewandowski does not seem to be the simplest to tackle. Why? Because the exjugador of the Borussia Dortmund has expressed of unambiguous way his wish to fulfil his agreement with the FC Barcelona in his whole, as it already has mentioned in more than an occasion, and has gone back it to do recently. During an interview with 'Sportive World', in the frame of an activity in which it was presented like global ambassador of the mark of video games, reiterated his intention to follow dressing the Barcelona T-shirt, at least, until the next season.

"Yes, clear, for me is very clear. I want to win with the Barcelona a lot of things and am safe that the next season can play stronger and also win titles. I want to always the best, no only for me, also for my mates and am safe that this team can win titles the next season because I see what do each day and for me is more important because it is a club that carry in the heart. I want to give a lot of things to the team and to the club", aseveró the native of Warsaw.

'Lewy' Still feels able to surrender to an optimum level

To close, in addition to reaffirming his continuity in the club, Lewandowski expressed his opinion on if it sees competing to the maximum level although it soon will fulfil 36 years, an age in which a lot of footballers decide to leave the football of high level in search of some calmer surroundings. "In this moment seat me very well, do not seat me distinct of does three or four years, the same in the trainings. For me it is very important to prepare me physically very well and which players have, tácticamente also is important, but are very strong like team", began saying.

However, after ensuring that it feels in a big level futbolístico (in this season funge like leader goleador of the Barcelona cast with 25 annotations), 'Lewy' did not doubt in expressing that if sometime it does not feel able to keep this rhythm of game, he will be the first in stepping to the side. "Minimum two years more can play to the maximum level. If some day see that I am not well, will be the first in saying it. 15 years ago I began to work for now can play two or three years more, taking care me, eating well", concluded.

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