It results garbled that the FC Barcelona do not keep conversations, much less negotiations, with Xavi Hernández in the middle of the research of a new trainer to replace to Ronald Koeman, that is 'sentenced' after the desilusionante beginning of season of the Barcelona group. There are a lot of names on the table, but is the one of the ex midfield player the one who 'raise' all the emotion in the barcelonismo. Even inside the same club, because until the Managerial Board of Joan Laporta endorses the return of Xavi to his house.

It is a trainer that gathers two of the basic requirements to occupy the bench of the Barça: it could adapt to the alarming economic situation of the club (that it plays a key paper in any decision) and that is rooted to the style, the values and essence of the Barcelona entity. A defender of the 'cruyffismo', in any case. Besides, a key point, is that it has the backrest of all the fans, that is asking it to cries from does long, even since Ernesto Valverde was on a tightrope and emissaries of the Barça travelled to Catar for tantear a possible return.

And it is that the fans in this point plays a paper determinant, because they are celebrate them the attainments, goals and victories, but también those that condemn when the things do not walk well. The Managerial Board and the 'managers' of the club also and, such as it seems, Xavi has them 'won' to all (less to Joan Laporta, but this is a too deep terrain). The one of Terrasa generates confidence and this no can it to him remove anybody, as well as that it can be the attendant to give back the illusion in the Camp Nou.

Xavi, in such a case, does not go to receive a team as in which he played in the period of gold. It is too move# away of this group of players. It is, in fact, probably the staff with fewer stars that has had the Barça in the last years, but this does not want to say that they do not have players with a lot of talent and of the that is not exploding all his potential. Koeman Has not given with the key and has 'subjected' to the culés to a Russian mountain of feelings and emotions.

It will be a process, that will carry his time, but goes in at stake the subject of the confidence. It is not the same to have a clear-cut project and be conscious that to arrive to the aim the same go to suffer ties or defeats, that what is living the Barça right now: a team without course, without project neither clear-cut ideas, that a day is well and generates illusion, but that to the two days is in a new crisis and in front of a new humiliation.

The style, the 'return' of the magic...

If there is something that concerns to the barcelonismo, to Joan Laporta and all the sectors of the club is that the Barça do not have a style of clear-cut game and that was very move# away of the 'principles' of the club, of the cruyffismo that so much has defended the maximum Barcelona mandator from the day one. It is one of the 'mandamientos' of Xavi since it turned into in trainer, in the To the-Sadd, betting always for "takeing the initiative in the field, play an offensive football and go back to the essence of what all love of this game from our days of infancy: the football of possession", according to him same has declared.