The last wrap internal in the FC Barcelona seems to remain in a simple rumour. As it has confirmed 'SPORT', members of the Barcelona technical body would have denied to the Catalan newspaper the supposed insults that Raphinha launched against the bench culé after being replaced in the minute 66 of the party in front of Valencia (4-2), where the Brazilian would have been missing him the respect to Óscar Hernández, assistant and second trainer of the Barça.

In accordance with the information filtered by 'SPORT', certainly the '11' showed annoying by the change, but the things did not happen of some gesture of wail and frustration by part of the extreme. Xavi Hernández ordered the entry of Joao Félix by the one of Carry Cheerful when the party wasempatado , although the footballer sudamericano had assisted to Fermín in the so much of the 1-0 partial in the first part.

The Saturday, 'Jijantes' signalled the crossing between Raphinha and the second trainer culé like the reason of his suplencia in front of the Girona, a duel in which the '11' ingresó in the minute 70 with the Barça down in the marker. The Brazilian neither went of the game the Thursday in front of the Almería, a party where remained without minutes for the first time in what it goes of League. And it is that, up to now, the alone Thursday had been acting during the 90 minutes in the visit to the Amberes (by Champions).

The technical body of the Barça, mentalizado in winning to the Ray

In the previous press conference to the party of the Sunday, Xavi Hernández left clear that, further of the derivative crisis of the rumours on his exit, the team keeps mentalizado in adding the three points in front of the Ray and sack of the fans in Montjuïc with a victory. "Tomorrow we have the opportunity to sentence the second square. We have it everything of face. We depend on we. It is a big opportunity. Party very important, want to sentence already although they remain two opportunities", explained the egarense.

In this sense, the míster of Terrassa would have to bet by his eleven of gala in the penultimate day of League, taking advantage of the returns of Ronald Araújo (dragged physical annoyances) and Ílkay Gündogan (was low the Thursday by sanction). So much the 'charrúa' as the German have to be of the game beside a Raphinha that remained in the bench in Almería. In principle, the only doubt aims to Fermín or Pedri in the medullary, taking in account the doublet of the of The Campillo in the past day.