It has desatado the controversy in Hamburg, where the FC Barcelona will play his fourth party in the present edition of the Champions League in three days. The combined Barcelona perfect course with nine points of nine possible, having obtained two victories like venue against the Amberes (5-0) and the Shakhtar (2-1), and a triumph like visitor against the Port wine (0-1).

Nevertheless, just when it is for beginning the second turn of this tournament and the culés prepare to confront to the Ukrainians in German earths, due to the fact that they can not play in Kiev owing to the hostilities in his country, has produced an incident to three days of this clash. An individual made two shots to the air in one of the platforms of ship of the airport of Hamburg.

The incident did not leave mortal victims

According to the information from Germany, after the shots, the attacker launched two bottles type Molotov cocktails from the car in which it arrived, although fortunately they did not cause significant damages. However, as it informs the German media 'DW', the situation could have involved to hostages, since it thinks that in the vehicle found a girl of four years, supposedly his daughter, and the mother of the child had reported previously his kidnapping.

It is important to stand out that like measure of caution and security, the airport was evacuated, what affected to at least 27 flights. Fortunately, the police authorities have confirmed that this incident has not left mortal victims neither injured. Nevertheless, the takeoffs and landings of the flights have been suspended temporarily and/or diverted to other near airports.

The altercation in the airport of Hamburg already has been resolved

Finally, it has been able to know that the attacker, the one who kept like hostage to his daughter of four years in one of the tracks of the airport, has delivered after more than 16 hours. Fortunately, the situation resolved without any incidence reseñable. Like result, the activity in the airport of Hamburg will reestablish gradually and, therefore, the calendar of the Barça would not have to see affected. The Barcelona square had foreseen to land in German earths this Monday to the 12:45 hours. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to evaluate how adjusts the situation of the flight because of the flights retarded, since at least 286 flights were programmed to land in the airport the Sunday.