Ter Stegen Already is smart to begin the recovery
Published:21/05/2021 - 21:45h
Updated:21/05/2021 - 21:45h
Ter Stegen Went out well of the operation of sinew rotuliano to which subjected and already is thinking in going back to play, although it does not remain clear that it was with the Barcelona
Marc André Ter Stegen already was operated and the own archer commissioned to give the news through his social networks, announcing that everything went out well and that now touches to focus totally in the recovery, that will be able to do in Barcelona with constant surveillance of the doctor Hakan Alfredson, commissioned of the intervention made in the city of Malmo.
The operation of sinew rotuliano to which subjected the German goalkeeper meant the third injury of knee that suffers during his stay in the Barcelona, something to what wants to give end of definite form and therefore it put his health above the Euro to make in June of the present year, refusing the announcement with Germany.
All went well today. ??? Now the focus is on my recovery. Thank you all for your messages and support these past days.
— Marc ter Stegen (@mterstegen1) May 20, 2021
Ter Stegen Adds to the operating theatre as they did it Coutinho and Ansu Fati, the players that more time lost this season by injury and resorted to an operation. In the case of the goalkeeper, the time of recovery would be lower and of sure will be smart for starts of season, expecting that already in the pre-season can enjoy of minutes.
The recovery of Ter Stegen will be covered by Iñaki Crag in principle, since the exit of Net is imminent and the Barcelona expects to throw of quarry to cover the drops of the market, being the place of second goalkeeper one of the clearest and with good options, since the goalkeeper of the B is cuajando good parties in the inferior.
Market in sight
In spite of having shared that everything is well and be one of the main valedores of the triumphs culés recently, Ter Stegen would be included in the list of transfers by part of Joan Laporta, that already warned to all the staff that the changes come because yes and except Messi, there would be exceptions.
This coincides with the visit of Raiola, that further to having spoken with Laporta on Haaland also is in the work to move the index card of Donnarumma, Italian goalkeeper of a lot of projection that is in the straight final of his agreement with the Milan and by as they go the things in Italy, there will be renewal.