The absence of Marc-André Ter Stegen has represented a sensitive loss for the FC Barcelona. Although the stood out performances of Iñaki Crag have reassured the worries on the goal, the fans culé remains restless by the situation of the guardameta German, the one who recently subjected to a surgery to tackle problems in the column. According to SPORT, the skilled surgeon in column, Víctor Castle, ensures that, although the operation was satisfactory, Ter Stegen could be of drop by more than two months.

After the realisation of the operation and the divulging of all his details, the Doctor Castle ensures: "If the operation has gone well (and suppose that yes), will find very well from the beginning. It will be able to walk from the start and immediately will begin to make something of exercise. In three weeks, something of swimming pool, bicycle...", it comments.

"Another question is, sure enough, the return to the terrain of game. In my opinion, the recommended would be to expect three months. Although in cases in which it is crucial that play, if they see that it finds well, maybe put it to play to the two months, but is precipitated. A normal patient would not play in two months", adds. The problem roots in that if the recovery of the German goalkeeper extends , could lose the eliminatory of eighth of the Champions around the middle of February, a vital commitment for the club blaugrana.

Total bet with Iñaki Crag

In spite of this, from the club have transmitted a clear message: have full confidence in Iñaki Crag. In fact, in the previous press conference to the party against the Girona, Xavi affirmed: "it is not an option fichar. Marc will recover prompt, are not some crusaders. Have confidence in Iñaki and the goalkeepers of the house".

The Alicante has left good feelings in the meetings contested, standing out his performances in front of Carry and Athletic of Madrid, where the guardameta was vital to achieve two consecutive victories. Regarding Ter Stegen, the specialists recommend not forcing the situation and allow that the recovery continue on its course, so that when the German go back to the lawn, do it to 100%.