Ter Stegen, during the warming


Ter Stegen Explores a new facet of his career

Published:4/06/2021 - 18:17h

Updated:11/06/2021 - 11:46h

Ter Stegen Has allocated 400.000 euros to Kleta, an initiative that looks for to promote the increasingly frequent use of the bicycles like half of transport like half sustainable and healthy

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the last years, is common that some players of elite, as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo or Gerard Hammered, make important investments after receiving important sums of money that, between other things, allow them keep the flow of income once that they abandon the football.

To them it has joined Marc-André Ter Stegen, the one who recently has disbursed some 400.000 euros in Kleta, a naciente business in Barcelona devoted to the bicycles, whose end roots in the sustainability like half of transport no contaminante, to the time that his users adopt healthy habits.

The German goalkeeper has indicated that the project is chord to his lifestyle: "it Is the first time that invest in a 'start up', so this bet is a new challenge for me. My passion by a healthy lifestyle, my fight by the sustainability and my connection with the City Condal are the decisive factors that have motivated me to turn into me investor in Kleta".

Ter Stegen Bets by the use of the bicycles

Likewise, it has indicated that will fulfil an important role in this emprendimiento to the that has offered his confidence, with the hope of an important growth to future: "I will participate actively in the company with which will build a community of Kleteros in Barcelona".

In fact, it is common to observe to Ter Stegen displace in electrical scooter, a half of transport that does not issue carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The reduction in the broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero figure between the aims of the European Union in matter of sustainability to mitigate the effects of the climatic change.