The FC Barcelona seems to be increasingly near to concretise his agreement of contractual prolongation with Nike, company with which keeps a bond from 1998. Nevertheless, in the last time has given to know that his institutional relation perhaps is not so optimum as it expected , having been near to dissolve legally in more than an occasion.

In spite of the obstacles, this relation has survived to several vicisitudes. The union between the Barcelona picture and the mark of the 'swoosh' began on 1 July 1998, after terminating the agreement with Kappa. This desvinculación forced to the Catalan group to pay billion of pesetas (six million euros) like compensation to Kappa. Since, the relation has been in risk to break in more than an opportunity.

The first 'pulse' in the relation between the FC Barcelona and Nike

It is necessary to remember that the first agreement signed by the FC Barcelona in 1998 had a length of 10 years, until 31 May 2008. However, at least two years before it finalised this bond, in 2006, the cast culé had the opportunity to change of sponsor. In this moment, Cougar burst into with strength and, as it commented in 'SPORT', offered an agreement of five years by 127,5 M€, with an annual increase that went from the 22 M€ the first year until the 30 M€ the last.

In spite of the interest of the German signature, the Americans acted quickly to avoid lose to one of his more representative clubs in terms of sportive sponsorship in the football, that had reported him big economic profits and of image. Nike finished making an offer that converted to the FC Barcelona in the club that more money would receive by the sponsorship of the T-shirt: 150 M€ (30 M€ by season), in addition to important variables like bonuses by titles and regalías by sales of T-shirts.

The company of the 'swoosh' attained to survive to this 'pulse' and ensured a pact that consisted of five additional years and other five postponable. In other words the agreement was foreseen to last until 2013, with the hope to be able to prorrogarlo until 2018, in accordance with the statutory norms of the club. This contractual extension approved without any problem.

The movement 'master' of the Barcelona cast with BLM

However, around 2016, andl combined Barcelonan posed a new negotiation, since it considered that the agreed quantities were very underneath of the wished. During these conversations, the club proposed to Nike purchase the property to 100% of BLM, a company created by the sponsor years backwards. This included in the general agreement of sponsorship by a symbolic price, that was what really concerned to the North American. This finished being a movement 'master' of the Catalan institution, since BLM, now exclusive property of the culés, began to generate income until reaching a value of 800 M€ in case to be sold.

To his time, in 2016, to the equal that Cougar in the past, the FC Barcelona allowed the 'gone in' of Under Armour in the negotiations to obtain a greater profit. Under Armour Was one of the sponsors that wished to do with the elastic of the Catalan club, but that did not finish by fructificar.

This 'marriage' seems directed to survive a new 'storm'

Now, east is the last agreement rubricado with the mark of the 'swoosh' to date, and again seemed to be repeating the cycle. Again Cougar, to the equal that in 2006, has gone in in the 'bidding' with serious intentions to do with the sponsorship of the clothing culé, and even has opened a new stage: begin to elaborate the T-shirts under the mark Barça.

In this point, the FC Barcelona makes a new movement to update the figures to the reality of the club, and the American company answered to this request, although this time shows something annoying by the form in that it poses . However, to the equal that occurred in 1998, this union seemed that it will go out again very rid of a new 'storm'.