The FC Barcelona will follow linked
The Barça advances in a new agreement with Qatar Airways
Published:13/12/2016 - 21:14h
Updated:13/12/2016 - 21:14h
The vice-president of márketing of the FC Barcelona, Manel Brook, informed that the Barcelona picture is in conversations and advances for a new agreement with Qatar Airways. The director is positive to the hour to think in closing an agreement
With the trip of the FC Barcelona to Doha for the dispute of the friendly in front of the To the-Ahli, the Barcelona entity also has gone back to the load in negotiations with the Arab emirate. Specifically the vice-president of márketing Manel Brook explained how find the new conversations with Qatar Airways.
"We are working of form very positive, go advancing and think that can arrive to an agreement but still is not enclosed", confirmed Brook. On adding him a value added to the relation Barça-Qatar, the Barcelona director explained that "we always try to add him a value added to our agreements of sponsorship, that activate the relation with the Barça and give us presence all over the world and am convinced that we will find the formula to throw forward the agreement".
The himself, Brook confirmed that this new bond will not see repercutido in the T-shirt of Barcelona training neither in the new stadium culé. "The agreement does not go in the direction to put the name on the T-shirt of train neither in the stadium, will look for the supports like sponsor for a sponsor premium,, as others that have", sustained.
Without tension after signing with Rakuten
To conclude, the director explained that there was not any problem with Qatar Airways after the signature of the new sponsor, Rakuten. "They have understood perfectly the negotiations that have had with Rakuten , knew what were looking for from does a lot of months and have understood it with professionalism and with gratitude", concluded,