The Barça, angry with the actions of Rafa Márquez
The work of Rafa Márquez with the filial of FC Barcelona has been to stand out and from the club are very happy with his exert. However, there are some extra actions futbolísticas by part of the Mexican that have annoying to the club blaugrana
Rafa Márquez is having a stood out campaign to charge of the subsidiary blaugrana. So much it is so, it is one of the candidates to do with the place of Xavi Hernández like trainer of the first team. In the entity have him in high esteem in the sportive field and in case that the favourite options fail, will take him into account for the work by his good paper in the FC Barcelona Atlètic.
Nevertheless, in 'Sportive World' signal that it exists a true anger by part of the Barça by some attitudes and actions of part of the ex Mexican player. And it is that Rafa, would be involved in some advertisings and campaigns that would go against of the values that preaches the FC Barcelona, by what this could play him a bad happened in the near future.
The reason by which the Barça is annoying with Rafa Márquez
Andl 'Kaiser' is using his official account of Instagram to promote the sportive bets inside the football. This would not be the first time that does it, since, does a week, also had gone up histories and publications related to this same subject. From the club, put the subject in hands of the department of compliance, when considering that it can exist a conflict of interests between training to a team of young promises and do advertising for a house of bets.
Said situation no only can mark t the name of Rafa Márquez, but also the image of the club culé. This generated some enojo and disconformidad in the FC Barcelona, since that is not the example that want to give him to the players of the quarry. By what will study take measures cautelares against the mister to eradicate the problem of root. To be like this, will look for solutions so that this type of situations do not follow presenting.