The Barça has paid expensive the four last Leagues of the Madrid
Published:31/08/2020 - 23:55h
Updated:1/09/2020 - 02:37h
The last leagues of the Madrid were in 2008, 2012, 2017 and 2020, years in which we sack us of Ronaldinho, Guardiola, Neymar and can that Leo, respectively
The competition liguera has had an owner in the last years: the FC Barcelona. In the last 13 years, the Real Madrid so alone to been able to win LaLiga in four occasions in the last thirteen years. Nevertheless, every time that it has achieved it, it has caused a disaster or a big crisis in the Camp Nou.
More specifically, the leagues of the Real Madrid have coincided with the most painful farewells of CanBarça : Ronaldinho in 2008, Pep Guardiola in 2012, Neymar in 2017 and now in 2020 can produce the more devastadora of all. The goodbye of the best player of the history: Lionel Andrés Messi.
After a disastrous year of the FC Barcelona, the Real Madrid raised his second title of LaLiga consecutive. The culés did not attain any title and finished third to 18 points of the eternal rival. The Barça needed a change and the change arrived. The Barça sacks to Rijkaard and Laporta bet by Guardiola in the bench. The one of Sampedor loaded to Ronaldinho at all more arrive, something resembled what has happened him to Suárez.
Pep Guardiola
In the second season of Mourinho in the white bench attains to snatch the title of LaLiga of the hands of the Barça of Pep Guardiola. With an almost perfect campaign the Real Madrid would arrive has to reach the 100 points. After this season Guardiola would surprise to the fans culés closing the most successful stage of the Barça.
Neymar Jr
Zinedine Zidane attained the doublet of League and Champions in his first year of trainer in the Real Madrid. In the following summer, Neymar would pay the 222 million euros of his clause to sack of the Barça and fly did Paris. To day of today does not know very well the reason, but seems that it cost him assume a secondary paper after the shadow of Leo.
Lionel Messi
And finally we arrive to the 2020. After one of the worst years of the FC modern Barcelona, the player insignia of this team and the best player of the history decides to abandon the club that saw it grow. The decision of Leo is taken, even so, is not all clear. To go , would be the third big farewell of the last years.