Joan Laporta, in the final of the Euroliga (Image: Twitter: @JoanLaportaFCB)


The Barcelona and Laporta confront empty legal, escapes of money and a frightful panorama

Published:4/06/2021 - 08:31h

Updated:4/06/2021 - 11:06h

Laporta No only has hampered economic in the Barcelona, but there are things that could be even grave crimes against of the institution

Calendar of FC Barcelona

GOAL, through one of his journalists, Adriá Soldevila, revealed one of the secrets that saves the audit that made in the FC Barcelona and the environment begins to see muddier of what already was. Duplicate agreements, payments by non-existent services and a big quantity of irregularities are presents in the report.

The information was retorted by the newspaper Sport in Spain, doing emphasis in the irregularities that presented in the previous course, although also with the reference that the Assembly of Partners is slope and will be in this moment that all connect of definite form, to know those details that are missing.

Bartomeu and his directive left an empty giant in which they predominate a big quantity of economic errors and organizacionales like the fact to hire distinct marks or companies that on the one hand, were earning until the double of the quantity that was stipulated by his services, by another, works that have not done until the moment.

And it does not treat of a cambo of directive, because Laporta arrived with all these works and agreements in zero from the operational point of view, bequeathed of Bartomeu, the attendant to initiate these exchanges in which the Barcelona has given money, but the companies in any moment have given services in return.

Another of the big errors that have appeared in the report of GOAL is the one of the double agreements. No satisfied with the fact that the agreements were not carrying out, also appear distinct deals that were in duplicate in the accounts of the club, generating even more costs.

Stadium and area comunicacional

The Barcelona no only is in an economic and institutional crossing, but in addition to infrastructure, because from the area comunicacional until the new stadium are presents in the complaints done by part of partners and members in general of the club, the same that arrived to the media.

Collaborations, constructions, improvements and distinct activities that had like aim reinforce the mark, image and infrastructure of the Barcelona, remain in second plane after the irregularities that do presents in the club.