Neymar In a party of the PSG


The biblical reaction of Neymar after remaining out of the PSG-Barcelona

Published:9/03/2021 - 17:28h

Updated:9/03/2021 - 17:29h

Neymar Jr Published a message concerning the bible in his social networks, afterwards to know the news that it will not play in front of the Barcelona this Wednesday

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Neymar Jr Seems to have a true curse on, regarding his participations in the decisive rounds of the Champions League, since the alone Brazilian has been able to contest six of the eleven eliminatory that has crossed the Paris Saint-Germain since the same joined to the conjoint Frenchman. Of face to the party in front of the Barcelona, which will contest this Wednesday, the situation will be the same, since the exjugador of the Saints will not be able to be present.

The injury that Neymar suffered does around a month, in a party in front of the Fall, follows valid and has complicated the physical health of the carioca until the present week. In front of this situation and afterwards to know the news that it would not participate in the party in front of the Barcelona, Neymar use the social networks to publish a message, around said situation.

In the same can read "Deus prepares or certo by linhas cakes", what translates like "God prepares the right with wry lines", accompanied of a pair of emoticonos. This does reference to the Christian belief of Neymar and indicates that, according to him, his right way can be plagado of obstacles, but no therefore it will leave to be successful.

What will do Pochettino in front of the absence of Neymar?

Further that the absence of Neymar mean a big reason of sadness for the Brazilian, said fact also marks a problem for his trainer, Mauritius Pochettino, the one who loses to one of his main exponents in the PSG. However, it is necessary to remember that the ex technical director of the Tottenham already faced the gone of the eliminatory in front of the Barcelona without the star carioca, by what, probably, the formula for the turn will not vary a lot.

Possibly, Pochettino repeat the offensive trident that used in the first meeting of the eliminatory, conformed by Mbappé, Icardi and Kean. Incidentally, the Argentinian trainer already has recovered to his compatriot Ángel gave María, the one who also could go in in the alignment of the combined Parisian in the party ofturn .