Philippe Coutinho, during a party of Premier League


"The big virtue of Coutinho is that it is very sacrificed"

Published:9/08/2017 - 17:50h

Updated:9/08/2017 - 18:00h

The ex sportive director of the Espanyol, Ramón Plans, the person that brought to Coutinho in 2012 for the club blanquiazul, has ensured that the Brazilian is "very shy, quiet and reserved, although it has stood out his spirit of sacrifice"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Waiting for that finish confirming the signing of Coutinho by the Barça -the Barcelona club has launched an ofensivs final and some means speak that it could be presented this same Friday-, follow arriving opinions about how could adapt the Brazilian to the system of game culé.

Coutinho Can exert two roles: centre of the field -position of Iniesta- and left extreme -in theory where would play for suplir to Neymar-. The ex sportive director of the Espanyol Ramón Plans, the man that brought him to the club blanquiazul five years ago, has stood out some strong points of the Brazilian. 

"Has a very important virtue, is very sacrificed. When you play in positions a bit more retarded, has to have this point of sacrifice also. He definitely has it. It is his mentality. It can play perfectly in the two positions although obviously it does more damage near of goal", said Plans in statements that collects 'Sportive World'. 

In Brazil put them to the same level

Plans has desvelado that in inferior categories so much he like Neymar were 'to the same level'. "Neymar And Coutinho, in the Sub-16 and Sub-20 of Brazil, were in a very similar level. All the world spoke of the two. He chose the option of the Inter, a very big club but when seeming with the a bit closed doors so that he had minutes. But after his exit, so much in the Espanyol as in the Liverpool, has showed that his level is very high".

Finally, Plans elogia his character: "In Brazil there is of everything, obviously there is a fame of the Brazilians like people very open and fiestera, but have known Brazilians very serious and people more centred in his day in day out and introvertida. I think that Coutinho is a player more than this last tendency".