The 'Cholo' Simeone talks about the arrival of Xavi to the Barça
Published:6/11/2021 - 22:01h
Updated:6/11/2021 - 22:01h
The trainer of the Athletic of Madrid, the 'Cholo' Simeone, has spoken on the 'signing' more expected of the Barça: Xavi Hernández, the one who will be the technician of the first team
Xavi Hernández is the new trainer of the FC Barcelona and are many the messages that has received the one of Terrassa. There is a lot of illusion in the barcelonismo because Xavi is somebody that knows to the Barcelona picture like the palm of his hand and his experience in the To the-Sadd turns him into the ideal man to initiate a total reconstruction, especially after seeing the performance of the team in the last weeks, that has been very irregular.
The trainer arrives with very good references and already has won the praises of big trainers. Pep Guardiola has it elogiado every time that has been able to and now has added a 'Cholo' Simeone that it will be his rival in Spain. The technician of the Athletic of Madrid has declared in press conference that "surely Xavi knows the house like anybody and will know the ways that will shorten pair surrender of the greater way like trainer and especially transmit him to the team all what always said, what always looked for and was representing in this initial stage that had where was".
Likewise, the Argentinian trainer added in front of the media that "imagine me that it arrives a place where want it and where he knows which is the way to be followed", sentenced. And, such cual as it has said Simeone, Xavi is arriving to a team in which they have put all the hopes in his work, that will begin from the stop FIFA in the previous of the derbi Catalan on 20 November.
Xavi, very ilusionado
The case is that, as well as the barcelonismo, Xavi is very ilusionado with this new stage and like this has confessed it after it confirmed his 'signing' by the Barça. The one of Terrassa aimed that "we will work to maximum. At the end we are the Barça, are in the best club of the world and the best club of the world has to win, can not empatar neither lose. Therefore, maximum requirement. We will try that the players are happy and happy. It will be necessary to work a lot and with the clear aims to try win, is clear. I am very positive and it will be necessary to work a lot so that the things go out".
Likewise, it stood out that "I am very happy, imagine you, is the biggest challenge of my career, a capital challenge, go back home, to the Barça and am very happy. All the world has put of his part, especially the club, am very grateful to the Barça and to his confidence. They have come to Doha, there was a rescission of agreement and all have put of our part. I am very positive and arrive with a lot of illusion so that all go out well. I am very grateful to the club, for real".