The name of Marc Guiu has hoarded all the attention in the actuality of the FC Barcelona. Until this day, to the native of Granollers saw him like a player that would have few minutes in the Barcelona cast. However, it took advantage of the opportunity that Xavi gave him in a party complicated against the Athletic (1-0), answering with grow when converting the target of the victory with only a bunch of seconds in the terrain of game.

The call of Xavi to this player of the inferior categories of the club did not go by chance. In addition to valuing the fault of natural forwards in the Barça, the one of Terrassa knows at first hand the skills of the young of 17 years. It has seen it play in the Barça Atlètic and in the Juvenile To, and even had the opportunity of, inconscientemente, evaluate it when it was only a boy giving his first steps in the football.

Xavi and Marc Guiu knew from seven years ago

Recently, it has spread in the social networks a photo in which it sees to the leading youngster forming part of the campus organised by Xavi Hernández, his brothers Óscar and Álex, and his father Joaquim in Santa María of the Collel. This campus, that carries out annually, is one of the most popular and prestigious, and Marc Guiu assisted in the year 2016 when Xavi still was player in active.

That photo no only shows the 'relation' between the technician of Terrassa and the attacker of Granollers from does several years, but it also illustrates the remarkable physical growth of the '38' Barcelona. In that moment, were 10 years old and was much lower that the technician, but now, seven years afterwards, has experienced a big estirón and has a height of around 1.87 metres.

Marc Guiu, arrived to remain in the first team?

Marc Guiu already formed part of the system of the FC Barcelona in that period, since it was fichado by the club to the seven years, thanks to the catchment made by Jordi Roura and Aureli Altimira. Since, it has stood out by his capacity goleadora and now, in a more advanced stage of his development futbolístico, begins to do notice with goals and greater presence in the team, so much is so Xavi has included it in the smart B of the Barça for the UEFA Champions League.