The defence of the FC Barcelona continues suffering owing to the injuries. In addition to the already worrisome drops of Ronald Araújo, the one who will have to subject to a surgery, and Jules Koundé, Héctor Bellerín has seen affected during one of the last sessions of training. The carrilero right has presented a prick in the sóleo of the left leg.

For the moment, it keeps waiting for the results of the medical examinations that will determine the scope of the injury and the time estimated that it could be ofdrop . However, everything seems to aim to that it will not be able to be present in the next commitment suspender belt in front of the Mallorca in Sound Moix in the frame of the seventh date of the tournament suspender belt.

This series of physical problems have left to Sergi Roberto like the only effective available for the right-handed lane. Nevertheless, the one of Reus neither would be in optimum conditions after having accused ailments in the sinew of Achilles neither has had the time neither the necessary physical work to go back to be to tope, what generates serious headaches for the míster.

The alternatives of Xavi

Ante in front of this panorama, are scarce the options that could exhaust the trainer so that the absence of the main options in this sector of the field do not have negative repercussions in the results in an important stretch of the season, where the culés will look for to assault the leadership of the classification liguera and add points to approach to the classification to the eighth of final of the Champions.

One of them would consist in configuring an eleven with a line of three players deep down, adopting a diagram 3-4-3. These effective could be Eric García, Andreas Christensen and Marcos Alonso, being able to have of this last in his natural position by the left side. Of this way, the Barça would have a provisional alignment for his next meetings.