After having gone through the presidency of the FC Barcelona between the years 2010 and 2014, Sandro Rosell continues having aspirations, in this occasion like part of the political life. At present, it aspires to launch like candidate to the city council of the City Condal, a wish that has reiterated in a recent interview, desvelando varied of the steps to be followed for his postulación and of the initiatives that would promote in case to result elect.

In statements for '8TV', the employer has detailed part of the process that has come carrying out beside his team of campaign in his initial stage, as well as of the challenges that will have to confront to access to the municipalidad: "it Is truth that are posing us with a group of people, although it is missing a lot, access to the elections to the city council but from a point of view of management, no so much of politics".

Likewise, it has manifested that although it treats of a proposal with political ends, his priority sera carry out a management that attend to the problems that faces the city in the actuality: "Yes that everything is political, but where would go is to do a direct management of the needs of a city, without going in in if we are of lefts or of rights, but in applying the common sense. So that we understand us, politics further of a municipal management, no".

Rosell has stood out that the city has an enormous potential and that carrying out a correct planning is possible to promote even more his development, warning that by the moments are varied the difficulties that crosses and that prevent him be the ideal city: "Barcelona is a wonderful and only city that it could become the capital of the world. The conditions that has are to be the best city of the world and today are not it".

His go through the prison

The ex president of the Barça also has remembered the process that carried him to be after the grilles of preventive way: "That they finish you putting two years in the prison by an invention is very hard, is that it is fortísimo. I am very disappointed to having known the depth of the country where live. Still there are people that thinks that something will have done, that affect you emotionally and that will drag all your life".