Ceferin, president of the UEFA, in a press conference


The Fair-Play financial of the UEFA will be revised...In profit of which clubs?

Published:21/04/2021 - 20:20h

Updated:22/04/2021 - 00:45h

Ceferin Ensured that it will not disappear the Fair Play, although yes it will be reviewed to offer flexibility and protection to the investments that do in the pertaining clubs to the UEFA

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The hurricane of the Superliga seems to have touched earth and now, with less strength, begin to go out more and more details that do of the debate something extensive, because this yes, with or without the competition the discussions will follow appearing of recurrent form and the UEFA will have in his hands the can go out ilesa of everything.

The French newspaper L'Équipe did reference to that the maximum body of the European football is in front of possibility of flexibilizar the fair play financial in protection to the clubs that have stepped backwards with the creation of the Superliga, everything according to Ceferin, that also explained that it will not disappear the control.

"The clean game of the UEFA will be revised and corrected to allow greater flexibility to which invest in European clubs…does not go to disappear as it has said in a lot of places, simply will adapt to the actuality", indicated the maximum representative of the organism in his speech.

And it begins the big debate. Who benefits of all this really? Because the truth is that inside the statute of costs in the UEFA only there are two clubs that were really involved in the subject, Manchester City and PSG, even being investigated and with high risk to be excluded of the continental competitions.

The Real Madrid so criticised by the wallet did not see wrapped in this, the FC Barcelona of the Pharaonic agreement to Messi only saw prejudiced in the middle of signings to minors of age and now, after saying that the millionaires want to kidnap to the football, does him a wink to the sheiks that really want to win to base of chequebook and no of football.

Because if somebody benefits of this flexibility are the teams that have greater capital. Already we saw to the Athletic of Madrid doing malabares to incorporate to Kondogbia in the middle of all the fair play and the wages, but expand it would do simpler the task for the colchonero and also, for which did not have the difficulty.

Manchester City

The one who possibly was more benefited in all this subject is the English group, since year to year do enormous costs and do not detain , happening the millardo of investment in the last seasons and if we speak only of the defensive sector, with Guardiola have spent more than 300 million euros.

The English club does not depend on the income by advertising, entrances to the stadium or sales of players, since has like investor to one of the most powerful sheiks of the planet and in fact, expands to cruising speed with the City Group.


222 millions by Neymar and an index card of 30 millions or more for the Brazilian. 180 millions by Mbappé and offer him renew by near figures to which has Neymar. The Parisian group understands little to compete because all what does is to buy by antojo and leave players in the ostracism, for example Draxler or Lucas Moura.

It was very near to see out of European competitions recently by investigations on the cost of the club, but of odd and sudden form no longer there was inconvenient elder and the team went on with his activities, even, fichó to Icardi from the Inter of Milan also with the formula of loan and afterwards buys.

At present the maximum mandator of the PSG, Nasser To the-Khelaifi, is one of the members of the directive of the UEFA, in addition to being the manager of one of the biggest investments that exist in the current football with the sheik involved in the capital that offer him to the Parisian team.

In front of the possible exit of Mbappé, from France speak to incorporate to Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi and Agüero, together and separately, doing gala of the economic power with which explain in Paris. In spite of this, in the UEFA are by the work to "be flexible", since maybe they need more space and freedom.

The Superliga appeared of way estruendosa to shake the panorama of the European football and without having knowledge to depth of the form in which would carry out, finished being object of conjectures and romantic analyses by part of a lot of sectors that carecen at least of solid morals to do it.

From Munich spoke of competition when year to year buy to the best player of the team that face up them in the Bundesliga. Protagonists of the football heaved his voice against of a "project elitesco against of the modest clubs" and any of these players refused the opportunity to play in Manchester United or City, Liverpool or PSG to keep the level in the clubs of which went out, that yes, are modest.

When seeming the football yes is being kidnapped and with this, goes showing the face of the brain of the crime, that far was of the dispatches of the Bernabéu or Camp Nou, only in foot after the disaster of 72 hours.