The FC Barcelona has in The Masia, probably, one of the most stood out quarries in all the panorama futbolístico international. His diverse categories have positioned like an authentic 'mine of diamonds' that frequently commissions to nourish to the first team culé with big players, like sucedió in the recently finished season 2023/24 with the irruption of names like Lamine Yamal, Pau Cubarsí and Fermín López, for mentioning some. All they are active whose projection seems that it will lose of sight.

Nevertheless, no all the youngsters prodigios of The Masia attain to triumph in the maximum category of the combined Barcelona. Some of them, by different reasons that do not have to see only with the sportive, can not 'explode' conveniently all the potential that avizoró in them from early age. Therefore, when it arrives the moment to give the jump to the juvenile category, lamentably, the club decides to do without they, giving them like this the opportunity to continue his development in other squares.

This is the case of Juan Pablo Galbarro, a side and left extreme of 16 years of age, natural of The Palaces and Villafranca, that saw finished his adventure like player of the Catalan picture this summer, after having joined to the institution in the market estival of the 2020, with so alone 12 years, pertinent of the lower categories of the Real Betis. Casually, four years afterwards, the group 'verdiblanco' will be the one who will give him again the opportunity to keep deploying his football with regularity, since they went back to do of his services taking advantage of his condition of free agent.

Why Galbarro could not finish of 'explode' as Barcelona?

Unfortunately, for him, as it informed in 'SPORT', after a first season in which it seemed to have adapted in big form to the dynamic culé, his performance began to diminish during the second campaign. Likewise, with the arrival of Pol Bernabéu like piece to strengthen the left side, his minutes began to reduce .

No only this, the palatine also had to lidiar with some injuries that arose in his way. These were doing mella in his performance and carried to that, after four seasons in the lower categories of the picture culé, could not reach his potential maximum, in spite of showing destellos of his innegable quality that resulted insufficient to continue his career in the FC Barcelona.

Now it will be necessary to see if, in his return to his roots, Galbarro is able to give him a new impulse to his incipiente career, going back to his origins for reencontrarse like footballer and improve again these qualities of a very fast extreme and explosive in spaces reduced, that in his moment captivated to the Catalan cast.