Obras en el Spotify Camp Nou


FC Barcelona makes a slight modification to the Spotify Camp Nou works schedule

Published:23/07/2024 - 00:30h

Updated:23/07/2024 - 00:30h

The remodeling of the FC Barcelona stadium keeps the fans pending. Now, the Barça team confirms a modification in the works calendar so that the works are not slowed down and they can meet the end-of-year objectives

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The works in the Spotity Camp Nou continue with the aim to create some innovative installations that they will be able to house to 104.000 viewers. The stadium will turn into the biggest of Europe and the fifth all over the world. Up to now, the days of remodeling advance to the planned rhythm with the end to be able to make parties to finals of this year. However, the FC Barcelona made a modification in the calendar of works.

In a first moment, the Barcelona entity chaired by Joan Laporta communicated that the upraising of the wiring of the cover of the installations remodelled would take place the month of September. Now, the technical director of the office of the Espai Barça, Lluís Moya, announced that this part of the works will be postponed until the second cuatrimestre of 2025. The modification produced with the aim to centre the attention in finalising the rest of the structure of the stadium.

The new terms for the cover

During a press conference, Lluís Moya cleared all the data related with the new terms of the calendar of works: "To finals of the season 2024-25 will be in conditions to install the general cover of all the stadium. To finals of this year will go back, simultaneously acts and use during what remain of the season 24-25", explained the architect, the one who was accompanied by the vice-president of the Espai Barça, Elena Fort, and the director of operations, Joan Sentelles.

The manager of the project commented that during the summer of the next year have foreseen to work on the cover with the end that when it begin the season 25-26 have advanced in the works: "will have a network of wires up forming the cover, will not be enclosed but yes will have mounted the structure", added the expert. In any case, this last modification will not affect the turn of the fans to the stadium foreseen for finals of this year.

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La Liga | Jornada 5
FC Barcelona

Girona - FC Barcelona

Sunday, 15 of September of 2024 16:15h
Estadio Montilivi
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