Ilaix Moriba During a training with the Barça


The key of the renewal of Ilaix attained by Abidal

Published:20/08/2021 - 20:32h

Updated:20/08/2021 - 20:32h

Ilaix Moriba Finds in a moment difficult with the Barça after not accepting the offer of renewal before his last year of agreement, what could relegarle to remain out of the field and eventualmente abandon the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After several years in the quarry of the FC Barcelona, the name of Ilaix Moriba sounds like one of the possible exits of the club, all time that would be asking a sum of money very elevated to sign the prolongation of his contractual bond, a disagreement that could finish with his course of the team.

In fact, especula that his available price could price in some 12 million euros, very move# away of the 100 'kilos' that sometime were had to ask like amount by his clause of rescission. Besides, every time it has fewer minutes, what could bring legal problems.

To the detriment of Ilaix, the Barça has trusted other canteranos like Nico González, Gavi or Yusuf Demir, to the one who even have given him his dorsal, the 27. The stage no luce alentador, and could finish for leaving in case of not procuring a pact in the negotiations for his renewal.

Abidal Knew to convince him

To his 16 years, Ilaix Moriba, the one who for then had like representative to Jonathan Barnett, of the signature Stellar Group, was near to leave to the Manchester City. Nevertheless, the ex player of the Barça and ancient technical secretary of the Barcelona entity attained to frustrate the operation.

It was through the Islam, religion that practise the Frenchman and Mammady, the father of the player. Of this way, the conversations facilitated thanks to the bonds between both, joined under a same belief. Nevertheless, the current panorama no luce at all alentador: or it renews or it does not play.

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