Javier Tebas, presidente de LaLiga


The keys that LaLiga gives so that Barça recovers financially and can sign

Published:7/06/2024 - 18:01h

Updated:7/06/2024 - 18:04h

Barça hopes to put its finances in order to be able to sign normally this summer. The president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, has spoken on the matter and has given the keys for the culés to return to the 1/1 rule

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona works incesantemente in the research of regularizar his delicate financial situation. The culés trust can 'accommodate' the arks of the club and can fichar with normality in this market of summer. The president of LaLiga, Javier Thebes, has pronounced in this regard in his participation the ISDE Sports Convention and showed optimist with the Barcelona economy.

"If it does the options that is doing, that is doing them and can be feasible, but this already depends on the management of them, think that could do it. But they have to culminate the options that have between hands", commented Thebes, that left clear that thinks that the Barça will be able to go back to handle with the rule 1/1.

Besides, it confessed that it keeps conversations with the Catalan entity on the steps that go giving in this sense. "We go having knowledge, the department of economic control with the specialists of the Barcelona, as with all the clubs, there is a weekly contact, almost daily. And they explain how they go doing. I have the feeling that they go by good way, the thing is that it is necessary to culminate the things. But they go by good way, yes", sustained.

The mass salarial of the club

The president also referred to the mass salarial of the club and if ascending wages like the one of Robert Lewandowski would suppose a problem. "We see it in global. They can go up, but it will have removed other players, as like this it has sucedido in the Barcelona. These increases of Lewandowski compensate them. We see the subject in global, no in concrete of a player", aseveró.

Finally, it insisted in the fact that, in order of regularizar his finances, the Barça will have to compensate the 40 millions that owes him Free Football Finance AG by a participation in Barça Vision. "In global, the Barcelona keeps a mass salarial adapted to what has to be the Barcelona, is missing him compensate the operation with the company that was not them very well. I think that if adecuan this operation and some operation that do, will be in the 1/1", resolved.

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