Ernesto Valverde in a press conference of the FC Barcelona


The keys to judge if Ernesto Valverde is the suitable trainer for the FC Barcelona

Published:13/04/2018 - 01:33h

Updated:13/04/2018 - 10:42h

One of the most signalled by the defeat of the FC Barcelona in Champions is Ernesto Valverde, although the technician deserves a small truce. Further of the error committed, the course painted badly and can finish to the big, and the season that comes will be the decisive

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Neither all are so good in the victories, neither are so bad in the defeats. Precisely, in the last has signalled to Ernesto Valverde to the that blames of all the evils of the FC Barcelona, but neither the technician was so well before, neither is so bad now. To evaluate his task does lacking to put it in context, and for the moment, the extremeño approves with note.

The Champions will be a borrón indisputable in the file of the Txingurri, but fits to signal that it does some months anybody auguraba a good year for this team. The end of cycle approached, Neymar left to the Camp Nou in the palisade, the changing room seemed fragile and finishing and the signings were a difficult ordeal to surpass. But all this remained to a side.

This had to be a year of transition for the Catalans, but far to suffer it, have worked it until situating in the same requirement of always, demanding a triplete that has been live to the end. It is true that has lost of the most unexpected way and of the most unsuitable, but also is necessary to value what brought him until here.

The season 2018-19, the real trial to Valverde

That's why it still does not be necessary to ask responsibilities to Valverde, further of which, obviously has to assume. The true trial will arrive in a year, in a course 2018-19 in which his project already will carry his personal stamp. It will have surpassed the kilometre zero, thrown to walk and implanted some concepts that for the moment have improved to the group, and that although they have to pulirse have given him back that paints of solid champion.

When it arrive at the end of the next campaign no longer will cost the excuses, because already it has calmed the changing room, reinforced the staff and seated some bases. This is the true principle, and if it splits with a doublet, better that better. From here, the trainer plays it to him, and in a so complicated square like the Camp Nou, has to show what voucher.

The points to improve of Ernesto Valverde in the Barça

The game

Now that has recompuesto an eleven that broke , has to find the balance between solidity and good game. Of his account run tarpaulins like the double pivote, the asymmetric drawing or the recovered freedom of Leo Messi, but touches to surpass the excessive dependency of the Argentinian and give him joy to the balloon, because in this course has worked with what there was and in occasions has seemed too much little.

One of the keys for the success will be the presence of creators that accompany to the '10', since of them depends traditionally the Barcelona style. Depending on if it remains or no Andrés Iniesta there will be ones or other perspectives, but players of the profile of Philippe Coutinho, Arthur or even Denis Suárez have to step forward, because of them depends that this was an imaginative or simply practical group.

It is clear that to start with, Valverde had chosen a good way, because until it remained without petrol in Rome had found a good tactics in Europe. Atrevimiento In the Camp Nou and consistency far of house, closing a wound that there was desangrado to the Barcelona in the last times. It opened in the worst moment in the Olympic, but if it achieves to keep this competitiveness, this Barça can arrive far. 

The rotations

One of the big culprits of the European failure has been the management of the staff, that had more rhythm to principle of course but atascó with the step of the months. The skill to give back the confidence to players like Paco Alcácer or Denis Suárez him escurrió to Ernesto Valverde after the wintry market, in which they finish the opportunities and gave step to the inmovilismo.

If it thinks that they do not cost, the technician has to heave the voice, and if a day did them work, has to follow betting by them. In a team like the Barça can not surpass the seasons with 12 or 13 referents, more when between the 25 -for fixing a number- members of the changing room there are some of the best of the world. The tiredness is a factor that also plays, and although it does it for all, there is depth as to demand something more.

It is true that this year the preparador extremeño has encircled to what there was and to what brought him without rechistar, but with more time, experience and control has to 'wet' in the signings. Of at all it serves to spend 200 millions if his effective do not convince him, and although he has to be able to work with what has, also have to him provide the pieces that needs to do reality his ideas.

The quarry

Of the same way that the rotations, the quarry has gone of more to less, with a presence that has gone reducing without remedy. Valverde Has tended to sobreproteger to the youngsters in a so demanding course like dangerous, but, again with more parties to his backs, it is necessary to demand him more.

Now already it has valued who costs him and who no in the first team, and already has worked in the short distances with the promises of the filial. Little by little, it has to deliver opportunities and take decisions of weight, because of his performance in the present depends the Barça of the future. They remain him some months to close a promising first course, but in the following, yes or yes, has to follow improving.