The keys to the brutal 'high' on a physical level that FC Barcelona has had
Published:23/03/2024 - 19:51h
Updated:23/03/2024 - 19:52h
FC Barcelona has intensified its physical work in this final stretch of the 2023-24 campaign, reaching the point of showing a notable determination to overcome its rivals and working with an intensity and physical display that had not been seen in the culé team in this course
The FC Barcelona, after the announcement made on 27 January by Xavi Hernández, in which it confessed his wish to leave the club the next 30 June, has experienced an authentic change in his sportive actuality, to the point that the picture culé has contested 10 commitments and still does not know the defeat, adding seven victories and three ties. They attribute him several causes to this success, but definitely one of them is the remarkable improvement in the physical preparation of the combined culé.
This did evident in key duels of the Catalan group, like the clashes against the Naples and the Athletic, where the Barça needed to impose of conclusive way and attained it, surpassing physically to his rivals with a pressure asfixiante and an impressive capacity to cover all the field. Equally, they showed an offensive rhythm imparable and fast transitions, something that had not seen with so much frequency in the Barcelonan cast this season, leaving backwards the fault of physical bellows that had characterised to the team.
In this sense, 'SPORT' put in contact with Josep Maria Tejedo, preparador physical of Franc Artiga (exentrenador of the Juvenile To of the Barça) in the Rodina Moscow Russian, to tackle different subjects related with the methodologies of training applied to the Barcelona cast, and that they could explain the good sportive performance that is experiencing the Barça in this straight final of the season. Tejedo Posed three stages of work: the week without parties, the week with two parties and when the players have to play so much with his club as with the selection.
How it works in a clean week?
In the week without parties, Tejedo left clear that it is the most favourable stage to prepare physically to the players, explaining the procedure to be followed and dividing it in three phases. "The ideal week, clean, of a party, has three phases: a first phase that is the recovery or compensation, that would be the session of the day after having played. Those that play less do a session to try compensate the demands of party and the others do a session of recovery", began saying.
Afterwards, it explained how it would have to be the following workday after the first day of recovery. "The following day to the week would be party for all the ideal. From here, all begin equalised to four days for the following meeting. Lyou two first trainings are of overload, where look for to approach us to the demands of competition, always with several types of stimuli. The first session is more introductory, look for to stimulate to neuromuscular level", commented.
To close this section, the preparador physical did upsetting in the importance of the last sessions of training to fine-tune the details and prepare óptimamente to the team. "The following session, the -3, is the one who has more load of the week. And we look for that have specific stimuli that find us in the competition: careers of high speed, a 11 against 11 to complete field, obviously with more tasks. It is the strongest day of the week, the -4 would be 6/10 and is 8 or 9 on 10. The two last sessions do what designate 'tapering', that is a descent of load, always trying keep the intensity of the tasks but going down the volume. The session -1 is load very low, more than feelings for the players", concluded.
How it works in a week with two parties?
In the case of a week with two meetings, Tejedo explained how changes radically the dynamics of work for the groups. "The difference with a week in which have two parties? There are two important subjects. It is the subject to recover. Until the 72 hours the players are not entirely recovered and even there are footballers that take more. When the player finds worse is to the 48 hours, no to the following day. It is necessary to centre the following day of the party in recovering. The problem is to design sessions and tasks differentiated according to which have more load with which have played less. In a normal week is simpler, but with two parties complicates the thing", signalled.
In this order of ideas, the preparador physical also explained how increases the risk of injuries. However, matizó his statement when exposing how the players are used to to be accustomed to play more than a commitment by week. "In the weeks with two parties there is not space for the microciclo short. We have to do a first session of recovery, a second that it is mixed because it is necessary to prepare the following party. And the third and last resemblance. When it finish the party always there are footballers with annoyances and is not easy that are available the next day. If you play Sunday-Wednesday the probability of injury is clear that it is higher. But it is truth also that the players accustomed to play two parties to the week and participate more the stimulus of the training have it with the competition. We say that it is his way to have the training that afterwards do not have", sentenced.
How it works in a week with international stop?
Speaking now on the third stage, regarding the international stops, the fisioterapeuta Lluís Puig has deepened in the subject. "There is a greater risk of injury to more hours of exhibition. This is obvious. The advantage to have clean weeks is, first, that can train all the together group, that is the difficult many times when there are two parties. Often they do works of recovery and can not do a lot of load. And that's why they take advantage of stops and weeks with a party to do works with more intensity that can not do with two weekly parties. All the preventive work can not do of intense way many times, since the player is recovering", aimed.
To conclude, Puig has spoken on the direct influence that it can have the date FIFA in the players, and has exposed no only the sportive appearances, but also all the factors that are involved when joining to his selections: "Afterwards they are the trips. To psychological level, the stress. Players that sometimes in his selection play a more notable paper. Or in distinct positions. And this comports different types of efforts. This fatigue to the player of considerable way. But it go, especially the can do a conjoint work all the team, is the most beneficial of the clean weeks".