André Gomes in a party with the FC Barcelona


The market of summer could clear the future of André Gomes

Published:14/02/2018 - 01:00h

Updated:14/02/2018 - 02:31h

Many ask as it can remove him the place to some mates while the FC Barcelona tries by all the means do him react. If it does not attain it in some months, the market of summer will judge the next destination of André Gomes

Calendar of FC Barcelona

There were some doubts in the market of winter, but from the FC Barcelona commissioned to separate them prompt. André Gomes seemed susceptible to go in in the operation gone out of the culés in January, but has followed insisting with his presence in the team. If it continues without convincing as Barcelona, it will be necessary to take decisions, and the summer could be definite.

Luis Enrique tried it giving him a leadership that the one of Grijó did not attain to take advantage of, but Ernesto Valverde has not moved neither an apex of the intentions of his predecessor. Of the 39 parties that have contested in all the competitions, the midfield player has played almost the half, 22, and in 10 of them was to title. In five occasions, besides, contested the 90 minutes.

The balance, of course, is not at all bad, because it accumulates 18 victories, 3 ties and hardly a defeat, in spite of having confronted to rivals like Real Madrid, Athletic, Real Sociedad, Celtic of Vigo or Valencia, but the feelings are not so positive. The footballer has not infected in any moment of the joy of his mates, and to explain his good performances sobran fingers in a hand.

The quality that treasure his feet and the big conditions that turned him into a promise of the Portuguese football have banished in the Camp Nou, where his greater problem has been the attitude but where neither has attained to connect his virtues. If acaso his muscle has helped to wear out to some rivals, but little more can him appreciate.

A necessary sale

Some informations aim to that, really, if André Gomes has not gone out in winter has been by fault of offers convincentes. To half season is difficult to do a big bet, and although it exists interest by the Portuguese, the majority of proposals consisted in a cession, something that the Barça already is tired to accept.

His important presence along the last campaigns could be the definite step before an exit in which the Barcelona expect to recover big part of the investment in his arrival, that surpassed the 30 million euros. Like this, his power of negotiation will have to improve of face to the summer, in which besides it will go back to have 'overbooking' in the medullary if it confirms the arrival of Arthur. Opportunities, the luso, already has had quite a lot.