It began the pressure by the true substitute of Luis Suárez in the FC Barcelona


The mayor of Madrid kids on the case of Luis Suárez

Published:29/03/2021 - 19:22h

Updated:30/03/2021 - 00:31h

José Luis Martínez-Almeida, mayor of Madrid, declared in shape jocosa that "it is for doing a homage to the Barcelona in Madrid, by Suárez"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The exit of Luis Suárez of the Barcelona, course to the Athletic of Madrid, went one of the most surprising movements of the past summer, since it produced of form almost free. Around this, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, mayor of the Spanish capital, has kidded in an interview conceded to "The Club of the Sporty", in which it also spoke of his passion like colchonero.

In this sense, Martínez Almeida expressed of form jocosa the gratitude that so much he like the rest of the surroundings of the Athletic of Madrid have him to the Barcelona, given the "gift" that did the Barcelona picture to the colchoneros with Luis Suárez. There is an element determinant by which I am almost for doing a homage to the Barça in the city of Madrid, that is the signing of Luis Suárez. Never we will be him the sufficiently grateful", declared.

Later, Martínez-Almeida left to see his fanaticism by Diego Pablo Simeone, current trainer of the Athletic of Madrid, given the buenoso resulted that the same has carried to the picture capitalino in the last years and the incidence that the "cholismo" has had in his political life. Apropos this, the civil servant commented the following: "If it had not believed and worked, had not been mayor. It is a sentence that said the Cholo when we celebrate the League in Neptuno. It is a lemma that follow. Another that share, is that it never is necessary to leave to believe when one pursues a dream; it has to try achieve it. But neither it is necessary to lose the perspective. Therefore, better go party to party that do the tale of the lechera. If́, in my daily philosophy, also in my exert like mayor, the 'cholismo' has importance".

Martínez-Almeida, fan of Koke

During the interview that José Luis Martínez-Almeida gave to "The Club of the Sporty", the same spoke on the roots of his fanaticism by the Athletic of Madrid and of his favourite players. In this sense, the mayor of Madrid ensured that Koke is the current player of the staff of the club with which more identifies , but that his big idol is Futre.

Martínez-Almeida also gave a review in which it commented his opinion on several of the figures of the Athletic of Madrid, from the footballers of antaño until the partícipes of the recent successes. "The player that more represents me of the current team is Koke. It is our captain, carries ten years playing in the first team. In addition to his enormous quality, always thiś heré; it gives the face, so much in the hard as in the mature, and is an example for all the athletic. For mý, is a symbol and also a motivation when I have to face my day in day out. Of the historical, always have said that seat to have not seen play to Gárate. My big idol is Futre. I grew in the Calderón seeing play to Futre, contemplating his galloped by the left band... And also his 'piscinazos', those that all demanded like penaltis. And for us has a sentimental value, no alone futbolístico, Fernando Torres".