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The nights of transmission of Gerard Romero in the Casino of Barcelona

Published:19/07/2024 - 16:12h

Updated:19/07/2024 - 16:12h

The Casino of Barcelona has turned into this past season in a point of meeting for a lot of culés thanks to Gerard Romero. The popular journalist has broadcast from the varied place parties of the Barça in what it has been a new concept of sportive entertainment

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the big initiatives related with the FC Barcelona, but external to the club, have been the nights of transmission of one of the journalists futbolísticos more virales: Gerard Romero. The Catalan, from the Casino of Barcelona, has transmitted in streaming varied of the most important parties of the season of the club blaugrana, in what it has known like Champions Jijante in honour to the channel of Twitch of the journalist.

A new concept of sportive entertainment

The Casino of Barcelona, known by his sophisticated environment and lujoso, has treated to give an innovative twist to the sportive entertainment during the big nights of Champions League of the FC Barcelona, the main club of the City Condal. This event offers the possibility to see the parties of the team in some distinct surroundings, in addition to enjoying of the company of Gerard Romero, one of the most respected figures in the panorama mediático around the club culé.

Like this, the nights of Champions convert to the Casino of Barcelona in an authentic temple of the football. The giant screens and the sounds of last generation ensure that the assistants do not lose neither an alone detail of the game. Besides, the environment enriches with the live comments of Gerard Romero, that interactúa with the viewers and offers his analysis in real time.

This unusual combination of the emotion of the football with the casino has resulted to be a success rotundo. The establishment no longer turns into a place in which make money playing, but in a meeting point for the culés followers of one of the journalists futbolísticos more influential of the panorama. This initiative has attained to attract to a more diverse public of the that the venue could attract in a night any one.

But… who is Gerard Romero?

This article can seem odd if you do not know to the figure of Gerard Romero. The Catalan was one of the members of the team of RAC 1, the Catalan public radio, that saw in the world of the streaming an alternative to be able to carry his professional career like him wanted to, without depending on a big group mediático. His near and passionate style, in addition to his capacities to achieve exclusive information of the FC Barcelona have turned him into one of the big references. Romero no only narrates the parties, but it also shares anecdotes, histories and his personal vision on the team.

The future of the nights of Champions Jijante

The recibimiento of the initiative between the Casino of Barcelona and Gerard Romero has received a very positive answer, so much by the influx of face-to-face public as in streaming. The events have filled without difficulty and has not influenced negatively in the transmissions, which has meant a big success for both parts.

The success of this type of events could carry to that other establishments and streamers followed similar initiatives in the future, but is a question that still is for resolving. Also it is the possible renewal of these events of face to the next season, something that is slope to confirm by any one of the two parts.

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